View Full Version : Hello

06-08-11, 18:57
My name is Janine - I have had problems with my health for as long as i can remember and always suspect the worse. Then early decemeber last year I had a lot of problems at work and ended been off until March with stress. Anyway things were sorted and I returned to work then in May I started getting this horrendous dizziness and feeling of space walking. Went to the docs who told me it was a virus however had bloods took just to make sure and they were all normal, got give me a sick note for a few weeks. Started to feel good again so returned to work and again the dizziness returned and became very upset and crying all the time so off to the docs again were I got another sick note and tablets this time. Started taking the tablets however i could not function with them dizziness worse and vomiting and i had no choice but to return to work.
I went back to work and have been having the dizzness, headache, aching tired and really just cant be bothered so off back to GP who again took more bloods and blamed it all on stress. This time by B12 level came back low so now i ahve started treatment for that but since treatment i feel 50 times worse. All i want to do is stay in bed and cry. My face feels numb, got headache, horrible taste in mouth, no apetite ate barely anything for two weeks and the symptoms go on.
I have been off for two weeks even been on holiday and back at work tomorrow and i feel worse then ever. I just dont know what to do with myself at the min i just dont even want to be here feeling like i do. Just looking for some ADVICE that this is all anxiety and not something seriously wrong with. I am convinced im going to collapse and die at any point.

Thank you for reading but wanted to get it all off my chest. :weep:

06-08-11, 18:58
Hi jdfegan

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-08-11, 20:31
Hiya and wecome to NMP I hope you find the site as usefull as I have and make plenty of new friends along the way :biggrin:
