View Full Version : New job, HA doesn't want me to go!

06-08-11, 20:19
Hi everyone,

I've had HA for years and try to keep a lid on it and keep it under control but it's rearing it's ugly head again.

I start a new job on monday, while most people would be worrying about getting there on time, getting on with collegues, doing the job well etc.... I'm just worrying about my HA and talking myself out of going on health grounds. I don't get why I'm feeling like this, it should be a positive thing, will get me out of the house and stop my boredom and earn money which I really need, so why am I thinking about my HA?

06-08-11, 22:01
Its cos our HA has a knack of breaking into to all our thoughts until its all we can think about. I know what you mean because I am currently signed off work because of my HA but I know I have to find a way to go back soon and all I can think of is will my heart start racing when I am back at my desk, or will I start going dizzy and feel faint?

Try not to let your HA take over on Monday and really focus on the new things you will be learning. Once you have got through Monday you will know you can do it again. Good luck in your new job.

Kinnygirl x