View Full Version : Questionnaire inside my anxiety book...!

06-05-06, 09:48

I purchased a book called 'It's all in your head', which was recommended on this forum.

I performing the task of the first worksheet, which was a questionnaire (which I have detailed below for you to look at).

I was shocked that I scored 14/14, which does state I'm suffering quite badly with anxiety.

Does anybody else perform a high score?


1) Do you often worry about the possibility that you have got a serious illness? YES

2) Are you bothered about many pains and aches? YES
3) Do you find that you are often aware of various things happening in your body? YES

4) Do you worry s lot about your health? YES

5) Do you often have the symptoms of very serious illness? YES

6) If a disease is brought to your attention (through the radio, television, newspapers, or someone you know) do you worry about getting it yourself? YES

7) If you feel ill and someone tells you that you are looking better, do you become annoyed? YES

8) Do you find you are bothered by many different symptoms? YES

9) Is it easy for you to forget about yourself, and think about all sorts of other things? NO

10) Is it hard for you to believe the doctor when he or she tells you there is nothing for you to worry about? YES

11) Do you get the feeling that people are not taking your illness seriously enough? YES

12) Do you think you worry about your health more than most people? YES

13) Do you think there is something seriously wrong with your body? YES

14) Are you afraid of illness? YES

06-05-06, 11:23
Well I wouldn't Tony but then health anxiety is not one of my issues. I would expect most people with health anxiety to score pretty high with those questions.

Are you finding the book helpful?


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

06-05-06, 15:27
I answered the same!!

Shiv x

06-05-06, 16:38
I answered 'yes' to most of those - i too suffer from health anxiety. I tend not to believe drs and I'm afraid i do the worst thing and look up symptoms on the Internet - I have had so many things from just looking up stuff, I've also found out about things that I never knew existed and now I wish i hadn't!!!! It is scary isn't it!! I'm awaiting some CBT to help me deal with it.

08-05-06, 01:44
I had the same exact answers as you Tony! [:O]

Heidi :)

15-04-09, 11:30
13/14. Pfft, great! :mad:

Never mind, I know I am dealing with it so I'll be better soon! :D

Danny xxx