View Full Version : Why cant i take my own advice

06-08-11, 20:42
I have had a sore throat for a couple of days that seems worse in the morning and in the evening, had a bit of a temperature yesterday but have developed a dry tickly cough that started today..
I find myself taking deep breaths to see if i can breath properly
my skin also feels tingly/odd sensation
I know i am probably stressing over nothing and would tell anyone that its stress/anxiety signs but cant listen to my own advice and i am worried the sore throat is something else and something additional to cause concern!
Has anyone had these symptoms?

06-08-11, 23:17
So should i be worried that no one has had these symptoms!

06-08-11, 23:32
I am sure it is just a sore throat.

07-08-11, 03:23
Hello! I've had a sore throat for about a week now. I don't think anxiety itself can cause a sore throat, so you might want to go to the doctor (I hope that option is available to you)- but it's probably nothing serious. My doctor tested for strep throat, and yours will as well; if your test is negative (as was mine) your doctor will likely conclude that it's just a virus. Apparently most people get viruses like this occasionally. My throat is annoying me, but I'm no longer worried because my doctor treated it as a common problem (and it simply is common and likely unserious). If it's indeed a virus, it'll go away on its own and there's absolutely nothing to worry about. I hope you feel better soon!

07-08-11, 04:30
Hey I suffered from tonsillitis a lot as a child and I ALWAYS remember my throat being much worse in the morning, that and drinking orange juice was a big no no!

Things like salt water, clove oil in water, gargling them will help.
I used to use asprin/disprin, the ones you put into water and gargle, it really helped with the soreness. don't over use it though as it can be a bit harsh on your skin.

Also antiseptic throat sweets are really good, Boots do an orange flavor one in the Boots brand. I find the rather good.

really sounds like a bit of a cold, if you get a fever then go you see your doctor as maybe antibiotics could help.