View Full Version : Am panicking so much about what I've just read...

06-08-11, 22:05
Hi guys, I'm in a real panic as I just went onto a website specifically about headaches to look for some info for my partner who has had a headache on and off all week - I'm not really worried about him as he has had a flu-type virus all week and I think it's just down to that.

However one thing led to another and before I knew it I was reading all about headaches and strokes and then aneurysms...I always thought and people always told me that aneurysms are rare, but it said on this site that 1 in 100 people have them! That is not particularly rare I don't think.

I have migraines occasionally and am worried now that this means i'm more at risk - does anyone know if they run in families? I dont have any family members who have had one burst or anything, or who have had a stroke.

I'm wondering if I should have a CT scan now just to see if I have one just in case.

Am grateful for anyone who answers as I'm extremely scared now :(

07-08-11, 07:12
Hiya crystal I really honestly don't think you have an aneurysm. Migraines are common and anxiety causes a lot of headaches. You have no history of it in your family.it's around 6% of tjdpdaw population that get aneurysms which is very low risk. And there more common in men usually age over 65. Causes are stuff like family history and severe head trauma probably like being in a bad car accident or being hit over the head with a metal bar.the people they offer screening to are men aged over 65.it wouldn't be just headache you would get not gonna list other stuff because you may think you've got em cus you have read it and you haven't. Fear is scary but for reassurance nip to you doc to put your mind at rest. You will be fine xx

07-08-11, 07:14
tjdpdaw is suppose to be the............ sorry xx

07-08-11, 22:05
Thankyou so much for your reply x

08-08-11, 07:06

08-08-11, 07:31
Hi Hun
I totally understand how you are feeling with me it's always been an awful fear of heart problems :weep: I know whatever we say you will still worry sadly that is the nature of our illness. What i try and do is get through each day at a time and think worrying about something that might never happen is robbing me of the life i lead now. Please just try and be strong at the end of the day no one can guarantee you won't have an aneuyrsm but there again no one can say you will but when your older you dont want it to rob you of the life you do have now.
If you want a chat i'm here

08-08-11, 10:51
Thanks both of you x

Janey, i have the heart worries too so can relate to that, it is really horrible :(

We just have to keep fighting through to another day x

10-08-11, 09:45
Yeah we do. But it's constant hard work trying to do it. Hope you feel better soon xx