View Full Version : Worrying again

06-08-11, 22:49
I have a headache but i dont no if its a normal one its like aching wih pressure right at the front and on the top :( im crying but not in pain cuz im thinkin its a hemeraige or something! pleasee reply back as im really scared :( thanks

06-08-11, 23:00

Had to reply cos hate the thought of you crying. Don't know a lot about headaches but there are so many different types and I am sure that 99% of them are totally harmless. Have you tried some painkillers and drinking lots of water? Apparantly being dehydrated can cause headaches. Also if you are crying it may be blocking your sinuses and that can cause headache too.

Hugs to you x

06-08-11, 23:06
I cant take tabs at all they scare me aswell everythins useless! :( thanks for replying thou i just dont want it to be anythin serious i really dont wanna die :(

06-08-11, 23:30
I think if it was a brain haemorrhage by now you would have other symptom as well such as slurred speech, incontinence, paralysis.
When I am in that situation I look at the clock and decide that if I am still alive in half an hour then it's not a brain haemorrhage
Hope you feel better soon

07-08-11, 00:07
You would really know about if it was something serious as the above people have said. Im guessing its tension maybe sinus related due to the warmer weather we have had a bit off? I see your from England and our weather keeps chaning- hot/windy and rainy the next x

07-08-11, 00:18
yeaa mayb i jus worry loads, im starting this thing called healthy minds this week :( im really hoping it works i rele doh wna live like this forever thanks anyway xx