View Full Version : anyone awake please help, dont no whether to call ambulance. thanks.

07-08-11, 02:14
As some of you know i dyed my hair last night, and yesterday ive been suffering with migraines and ive been suffering with very bad stomach problems and a supposued stomach ulcer.

Well i went to bed with two paracetamols which made my tummy hurt, and ive now woken up sweltering hot, and my heart is racing at 100%, im convinced im going to dies! Please help! Does a racing heart mean im going to die?

Im not panicking or hyperventilating at all, im just laying here in bed and my stomach is really hurting. I keep checking my pulse and its not slowing down, how do i get it to slow down? Help me please!! :'(

07-08-11, 02:18
get yourself checked straight away, just for peace of mind

07-08-11, 02:19
Nobody will take me to the hospital but my heart is slowing down kind of but im still so scared and its getting faster again. :(

07-08-11, 02:24
i don`t know you, so i don`t know about any health anxieties you may have, so all i can say is call an ambulance if you feel bad, it is better to be safe rather than sorry, and as i said it may put your mind at rest

07-08-11, 02:25
Hi are u feeling any bette?I'm wide awake with a racing heart too.

07-08-11, 02:28
how we doing now feeling any better? what colour did you dye your hair ?

07-08-11, 02:28
gotta go, if you are worried get yourself checked, they won`t mind checking you out, hope you are ok, good nite

07-08-11, 02:39
if your only symptoms is a racing heart then you'll be fine, maybe you woke up from a nightmare which caused your heart to race.
wait it out for a while, see how you feel, drink some water, walk around, go out side.

you aren't showing any signs of a reaction, more that you fear having a reaction so any symptom you get is making you self diagnose.

I know your scared and thinking you need to call an ambulance before something really goes wrong, but once they get there you might calm down and start feeling a bit silly.

07-08-11, 02:54
try taking slow deep breaths in, hold it for a few secs and then slowly release, repeat that 20 times, blowing out through your mouth, with your mouth in an 'O' shape, Its a calming technique from 'overcoming anxiety for dummies' a book I own, try it, it may help you calm down, subsequently getting your heart rate a bit more relaxed.

07-08-11, 03:03
oh and if you have a stomach ulcer or suspected one, avoid Ibuprofen, but I don't think Paracetomol is a problem though, I'm not a doctor or pharmacist thoguh, jsut make sure you read the information leaflet when taking a med(and jsut because theres a list of *possible* side effects it doesnt mean you will get them! :))

07-08-11, 09:04
your just having a panic attack theres no need to call a aumbalnce your have just got your self worked up and your adrealin is fireing off next time it happen go for a little walk and then try doing some relaxation