View Full Version : Rollercoaster of a week

06-05-06, 11:52
Hi Everybody
Just need to get a few things off my chest! Had a good week last week, managed to attend my interview to get into uni, went shopping at the trafford centre without getting all panicky & drove out of my comfort zone to see a friend i haven't seen in over a year, all big things to me & i really felt i was taking steps forward even though im still waiting to see a therapist. This week has been a different story though, works been stressful, iv not been eating properly as i dont feel well, thought i had tonsilitis as i get it a lot and the glands in my neck are very swollen but think it might be toothache as its agony, not slept for three nights but dreading going 2 the dentist on monday in case i panic, oh and then i got my rejection letter from the uni, not entirely unexpected but still upsetting, dont know what to do with my future now!
Sorry to whinge, hope everyone is having a positive day & enjoying the sunshine.
Love Suzy :(xx

06-05-06, 15:25
Oh don't let it get you down honey. It does seem that everything seems to go wrong at once. Doesn't mean next week will be the same does it

Shiv x