View Full Version : I've completely lost the plot.

07-08-11, 10:23
And I don't know what to do, I am in a state of panic all the time. I can't look after my kids and my parents and my partner have had to go into crisis mode to help me.

I'm staying at my parents at the moment, which is 200 miles from where I live, I really don't know how to get a grip on myself anymore. i'm scared I'll need to go to hospital.

07-08-11, 16:55

I know exactly how you feel...I've been there, and have been close lately to getting back there again...Here's what's keeping me holding on, I know that there is nothing wrong. It does'nt change the physical feelings and all of the symptoms that we find so terrifying, those are real and need to be aknowledged, but what's important is that you recognize that you are ok. The other day I was driving, and I was stuck in horrible traffic (huge trigger for me), and I felt the panic completely consuming me from head to toe..As I sat there trying my hardest to hold on I was just about to lose it, I started yelling at the top of my lungs at my self, at my anxiety at everything I was feeling. It sounds silly, but after I screamed for it to get the **** out of me, I felt this cooling rush of relief. And I was fine...The point is, when we get to the point that your at, we cower and worry, but you need to take this by the horns and beat it, beat the shit out it. You are stronger than this, and you won't let it control you.

More than anything, know that you're fine, and this can't hurt you. !! Good luck, I truly hope you feel better.

07-08-11, 17:04
Awful situation :weep:

Have you managed to identify any triggers for your anxiety or perhaps it's feeding off itself at the moment?

One very simple but powerful method I use a lot is deep, controlled breathing combined with positive affirmations. Even if it takes the edge off for five minutes, those five minutes can be blissful.

08-08-11, 08:02
The main triggers are that I feel sick all the time (I'm emetophobic) and my IBS is terrible in the mornings which makes my tummy feel really awful. Plus the anti-d I'm on is an appetite stimulant so I'm always hungry which makes me feel even sicker.

The out of hours dr said it's probably my medication that's causing my stomach to feel so bad, so there's not much I can do about that, but I also think there's a hormone problem as i only had my son 6 months ago.

I don't know what to do.

08-08-11, 08:49
Hi rock lover

Would it be better if you were at home. I'm not sure if your at your parents in order to make u feel better and have a break, but maybe being away from your own environment isn't helping.

The best thing you can do is rest, lay down or if u can't because of kids as ever much as u can sit put your feet up and distract your thoughts, put on your fav movie or knit.
I know it sounds a bit stupid saying knit but I'm trying to think what u can do to take your mind off it and rest your mind and body. You tube has some good yoga, deep breathing and tapping stuff.

Anything that helps

Takecare :winks:

08-08-11, 09:45
Hope your feeling better today. I know how you feel. I'm 24 and i rely on my parents alot its like being a child again. It ok to lean on them for a while but it gets into a habit, which is hard to break.

Could it have anything to do with giving birth to your son recently? Are you depressed at all from that????

09-08-11, 08:46
I understand how you feel Rock, I am an emetophobic too and really struggling to look after my 3 year old. My IBS is the same, mornings are the worst. Today Im particulary bad - have taken a motillium and am currently mainlining mint tea!

Distraction is the key I think, don't sit and wallow. Force yourself to get up and showered and try and get on with the day. I know its difficult, but it does work. Thats my plan this morning - my daughter and I are going for a shower together, then up and out for a picnic.

No matter how bad you feel you have to do it. For your children. PM me if you want a chat and good luck x

09-08-11, 09:56
Probiotics can help with IBS you can find them in tablet form, live yogurts and yogurt drinks.

09-08-11, 10:01
And I don't know what to do, I am in a state of panic all the time. I can't look after my kids and my parents and my partner have had to go into crisis mode to help me.

I'm staying at my parents at the moment, which is 200 miles from where I live, I really don't know how to get a grip on myself anymore. i'm scared I'll need to go to hospital.
sorry to hear you are unwell you really should go and see the doctor i've been there and it is a scary place but you will get better best wishes

09-08-11, 15:32
I understand how you feel Rock, I am an emetophobic too and really struggling to look after my 3 year old. My IBS is the same, mornings are the worst. Today Im particulary bad - have taken a motillium and am currently mainlining mint tea!

Distraction is the key I think, don't sit and wallow. Force yourself to get up and showered and try and get on with the day. I know its difficult, but it does work. Thats my plan this morning - my daughter and I are going for a shower together, then up and out for a picnic.

No matter how bad you feel you have to do it. For your children. PM me if you want a chat and good luck x

Thanks Nickinoo, I am trying to keep it together for my kids, but I find it very difficult to leave the house at the moment. I always make sure that I am clean and have ironed clothes (and the kids), no matter how crap I feel I will not allow myself or my family to look scruffy, I'd be so ashamed. I do need to dye my hair though as I have a ridiculous amount of grey!

I had anxiety a few years back, again with the constant nausea and I was able to get out a bit more then than I do at the moment but my IBS wasn't as bad. It wakes me up every day at around 6am with horrid tummy pains and then I feel hungry which makes me feel more sick and hey presto, more panicky. However, I am forcing myself to eat.

I have Stemitil for the nausea, but it doesn't work because the sick feeling is caused by the anxiety, not by something physical. I tend to feel better in the afternoons, but the mornings are horrendous! The emetophobia really makes feeling like this so, so hard. The dr wants to change my meds to Sertraline, but I'm scared of the side effects the main ones being nausea and stomach upsets. Bloody anxiety!!!!!!