View Full Version : Starting to relapse, should I go back to Citalopram?

07-08-11, 11:30
Hi all,

It's been a while since I've been on here and I'm a bit lost and don't know what to do.

I have been suffering from panic attacks about losing control of my body for years. I eventually told somebody about it in early 2009, went to my GP and was put on Citalopram and given CBT. The combination of the two worked really well and I felt like I was invincible.

I stayed on Citalopram until the end of 2010. I didn't have any problems coming off it. Over the past two or three months I have started noticing a good number of my fears and niggles creeping back in such as worrying about walking down the middle of a long corridor for fear I will lose my balance, not wanting to hold a hot cup of tea because I might drop it and scald myself or someone else. At the moment I am still doing these things, but fear of losing control of my body while driving is really starting to inhibit which journeys I will undertake.

I just wanted some suggestions of where you think I should go from here. I am reluctant to start medicating too soon, but I don't want to get to where I was before the Citalopram and CBT.

Thanks in advance,

Steph xx

07-08-11, 11:40
I too have also relapsed and am back on Citalopram 20 mg. I started it last Thursday after two days of increased anxiety and depressive thoughts. My eating has also gone to pot in that Im not actually eating very much at all but am drinking tea. I had a six month period when I was off it but on the low side of normal. There is a query that i might suffer from some type of Bi-polar as I do get days when Im hypomanic and did have a very bad manic phase last year when my Citalopram was increased. I know Citalopram can cause mania in susceptible people but for me it works well with minimal side-effects and it controls my anxiety which is overwhelming somedays.

Its a discussion you need to have with your GP but I wouldn't leave it too long as you dont want to go right down hill and end up in a really bad place. There is no shame in taking medications if they help. I rather wish Id stayed on them and not come off but there you go you live and learn x

07-08-11, 11:50
Hi Steph,

Is it worth seeing if you can get CBT again without the meds? I was told I could re-refer myself without needing to go back to the GP.

All the best