View Full Version : this feeling

07-08-11, 13:10
i get a feeling like this:
http://www.healthboards.com/boards/archive/index.php/t-301066.html and this but it only happens when sittig down. its uncomy and quite worrying.
For the last 3 years due to problems i have spent A LOT of time sitting down indoors and im worried i will suffer a blood clot.
Other things i get are dead legs- when i stand i cant walk as there numb and it takes ages for blood flow to come back. random SEVERE tingles in foot and half way up leg the other day. I dont know what to do :S

Gemma T
07-08-11, 13:42
anxiety can cause people to become bed ridden. its that powerful. im sure your anxiety is causing your symptoms. I have also experienced what you have listed. i think you have associated these symptoms with sitting which is why they happen then. Kind of like a phobia in a way. i have a friend who was so scares of food poisoning she avoided eating and what ever she ate she developed extreme stomach cramps. constantly at the hospital and doctors thinking it was stomach cancer and there is nothing wrong with her.

hope this eases your mind

Love Gemma x

07-08-11, 17:25
thanks, this really helped a lot . its just funny that i just stood and it instantly went away. Not done much today- cleared out my room- took 2 hours and had a bath but not much else. Very worried about a blood clot. Pain in things while walking and just got a tiny feeling in one ankle- (havnt had this for ages but sometimes just above ankle i can get really bad cramps- there so painful and get worse if i move)

07-08-11, 17:26
also got bad tingles in that foot now

07-08-11, 18:43
im having a slight panic over this at the moment. my friend said about the feeling "that its just bloody trying to get to the foot" :S

07-08-11, 19:21
i cant even use the wii now as dad has gone in his room and i have no tele of my own and the wii only plugs into his wall as the top plug thing feel off

07-08-11, 22:46
im having a hard time coping with this- its getting worse and worse and going all tingly. when i move it its fine though. even if i move it sitting down

07-08-11, 23:03
another thing is i used to get the numbness when stadning way before i had anxiety. one night after 3 days in due to bullying at school i had to walk around for 30 mins to get the flow back to my legs

07-08-11, 23:26
I will be genuinly surpsied if i wake up tommorow

08-08-11, 10:56
Are you ok Em.ma?

I get this ALL the time and have done for a year or so on and off. Really dont think its anything to worry about. Blood clot causes severe pain and usually noticeable swelling, heat and skin redness. I was told this when I rushed myself to A&E a few years ago convinced I had a thrombosis and it turned out to be tendonitis! The dr was v. reassuring and said if I had a blood clot it would be severe, constant pain that couldnt be ignored.

Gemma T
08-08-11, 13:37
Blood clots also radiate alot of heat. You would know if you have one.

Try to breathe and reboot. Your having a panick attack. If your really concerned talk to your doctor about your worries.

My doc taught me this relation technique. You have to say in your head what you hear, smell, see, fell and taste. Then do it again and again and again until you are calm. Re shift your focus. It works and its gr8 if you cant sleep x x x

08-08-11, 20:50
Emma please try to relax, your not going to have a blood clot, your soo young and its just not going to happen, i get this like 24/7 so dont worry xx

08-08-11, 23:15
Hi all. Feeling ok today- been out most of day but have been sitting for two hours now and the feeling in foot is getting worse. honestly got no one to meet tommorow and nought to do grr. so gonna be a panic today tomoz

09-08-11, 00:32
also id be less worried if it didnt stop when i touched the area

Gemma T
09-08-11, 11:22
Crystal is spot on with the blood clot symptoms.

This is not a blood clot x

10-08-11, 00:06
thanks. still very very very worried. i remember a few months ago having a horrific pain in one leg and i think im getting pain in bottom of right leg now

10-08-11, 00:21
also getting bad pain in right hand and the arm

10-08-11, 11:29
i cant go out today as mum is washing the bathroom and i cant use it- shes pouring a bottle of bleach in the bath and not even diluting it- last time she burnt her throat and couldnt breathe right doing this how ever she claims you have to do it to get it "clean".
im not being nasty but she cant read or write and doesnt know her school results as she didnt know how to read them so just through them away. she also cant do her timetables or add up or anything. i can literally smell it from outside my room. grr. and she doesnt even wash her hands after or after she uses the loo...
i cant go out without a shower/washing my hair as it has mouuse and hairspray in from yesterday.....................................
also in lower left leg getting a burning feeling.

Gemma T
10-08-11, 12:17
I had a pain in my left leg friday and it felt like it was on fire but noone else could feel the heat.

Like you considered a blood clot but its not and you have to keep telling yourself that. If it was id expect a heart attack or stroke by now.

I sit on my legs alot. do you do the same?

10-08-11, 12:48
i sit with my legs strecthed out a lot.
i cant beleive my mums comment "oh im sneezing a lot and my throat feels tingly" cant think why hmm maybe the fact you have used a whole load of bleach and not diluted it- and used other cleaning stuff to. i cant even wash in the sink as id have to use the kicthen one. i asked her last night please can u wait till ive had a bath. she was up at 9 doing it. :@

10-08-11, 14:01
shes on the 2nd bottle of bleach now and the 4th bottle of cif.
i asked her why use so much and i got screamed at "im 45, your 17, i know more than you, you know less than me, im an adult, your not. and i got told to leave her alone all day and not make any contact any with her". this is the woman who used to leave bruises on me when i was a kid.

paula lynne
10-08-11, 15:17
No wonder your mums throat hurts Emma, using that amount of neat bleach in a small area like a bathroom is DANGEROUS! Shes inhaling all the toxic fumes! Mixing bleach and Jif is extreamly dangerous, it says on the bottles NEVER to mix them. Best let her get on with it and stay out of her way for now.

Can I suggest before you even think about having a bath or shower that you rinse out the bath/shower area with lots of hot water and open a window ok.
Paula x

10-08-11, 16:03
thanks. our little bathroom window is open and tommorow morning gonna rinse the bath out a lot before i get in it. makes me so angry and upset that she does that. i thought she had the window open the whole time and shes just said "hmm ill open the window now" :@!.

10-08-11, 16:03
the most annoying thing is she wont wash her hands after so now i cant touch anything- cant use our cutlery/plates she just washed without worrying

10-08-11, 16:33
i just stepped on somethign wet in the kitchen. paicking she spilled something tthere as its next to bathroom

10-08-11, 21:14
sorry to post this i feel bad i do- but i havnt been out today- ive done college work on pc and talked to friends on skype all day and also on msn. and im in a bit of a state now over a clot. sorry for posting. just anxious

10-08-11, 21:18
ive also noticed a pattern- im worse at night

10-08-11, 21:21
Ok, well firstly..

As i keep saying, you need to see someone about this Emma, it sounds like your having a very hard time at home and you need some support, you can't live like this.. I would reccommend Camhs.

Also about the blood clot, don't worry about it, im more likely to have one than you, i hardly excercise or do anything im so lazy lol. Your going to be ok so please stop worrying.

All the best and take care xx

10-08-11, 21:58
This all stems from the summer holidays. when im at college i know im doing something every day- and not worrying over this. i cant wait to go back lol- wow ive never said that before. x got pain in upper left leg. keep thinking this is gonna get worse over night. normally in the summer holds i end up spending about 2 days in a week and 5 out

10-08-11, 22:23
i despertly need sleep but i feel like the pain is getting worse. i really dont want to feed my anxiety like this but its just to much

11-08-11, 00:16
im having a mini anxiety attack. my upper left leg hurts so bad. ive been here most of the day

11-08-11, 00:38
its alright. breatthhee! :)
your going to be fine, i get this all the time especially with sitting down, its just giving you some muscle tension, your so young to be getting clots Emma your going to be just fine.