View Full Version : Big day tomorrow

07-08-11, 21:08

I have arranged to meet a friend tomorrow and go for lunch and a look round town. Needless to say I am really nervous as I have not been out on my own so to speak and without a "safe" person since all this anx kicked off back in January.

Just wondering if anyone else has done anything similar and how did it go?

Kayleigh x

07-08-11, 21:24
Hi Kayleigh

I have not done it but good luck to you tomorrow.

You will be great.


07-08-11, 22:50
I'd like to wish you good luck!

Does your friend know about your anxiety?

Let us all know how you got on.

07-08-11, 22:56

07-08-11, 23:39
Hi Kayleigh:)

you will be fine .........honest x
I make myself go for lunch with pals every so often and get so het up before it.
and always enjoy it when I am there :hugs:
remember to have water with you or order it and you will be sitting down so no wobbly legs ........you will enjoy the chat and distraction .
one thing I would say is it is exhausting somehow I find once over .......so perhaps have a get out clause for shopping after . I am sure your friend would not mind if it is too much for first time .
good luck ..enjoy and relax ............let us know how it goes xx:yesyes:

07-08-11, 23:49
Good Luck! I'm sure you'll be fine! I find that meeting up with a friend on the outside of it all is really helpful. Every now and then I meet with a friend for a cuppa and its refreshing and makes me feel good for the rest of the day.

Have a lovely time. If you start to feel anxious, ask her what she's been up to and focus on what's new in her life. The anxiety will go away for a bit :) x

08-08-11, 09:23
thanks for your kind words everyone :)

will let you know how it goes.

Kayleigh xx

08-08-11, 09:25
oh p.s she does know about my anxiety which is a good thing lol

08-08-11, 15:34
hey everyone, just got back and it was fine :) had a good time, sitting in the sun having a natter and the time just flew past. yay lol

Kayleigh x

08-08-11, 16:16
delighted :yesyes:

so so pleased for you ...... a real achievement ... hey high five :D
knew you would really :winks: xx