View Full Version : Hi everyone

07-08-11, 23:03
My name is Dimmy and i have been diagnosed with GAD the other week. I am now seeing a psychologist and going to see my GP about the big step of taking meds. I have just realized that i have been living with this for as long as i can remember. Talking with my Psychologist, I was having alot of lighbulb moments. I am starting on a new direction in my life and feeling very scared. I really hope that I can get some directions or tips from other sufferers and thats why i am on here. I cannot live my life like this anymore.

07-08-11, 23:05
Hi Dimmy1971

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-08-11, 07:29
Hi Dimmy

Welcome aboard. You are definitely not alone and if you browse the forums you will find a lot of answers as well as advice and even new friends.

You can beat this. Just takes time and knowledge.

08-08-11, 07:35
Hi Dimmy
I too have anxiety, panic and depression which i have suffered with for 10 years on and off. Please dont be worried about what lies ahead you've taken the first big step getting help and with treatment and understanding you will start to feel better. i joined yesterday myself so look forward to us supporting each other through this chapter of our lives
all the best
Janey x

08-08-11, 15:43
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


09-08-11, 08:09
Thanks everyone for the welcome. I really appreciate it:D

09-08-11, 15:29
Hi Dimmy,

The first step is the scariest - you're not alone!!

Emily x