View Full Version : HELP!

08-08-11, 00:12
hello my names is curt im a 20 year old male since april i got hit hard with anxiety..i used to smoke cigerettes, smoke weed, drink alot,n do other drugs sometimes,i realized to myself i dont want to take my life down that direction so i decided to quit everything.been sober for 4 months :) congrats to me..but now i get really bad anxiety.for some reason i tend to think WAY to much n trip myself out.first it started with the breathing think i always felt like i wasnt gettin enough air n hyperventilate n just trip out i got over that it doesnt bug me anymore.now i always think there is something wrong with my heart..sometimes it will beat really hard n really fast just from getting up off the couch n walk to the door.sometimes i will get a really hard thud in my chest n my stomach will sink,it scares me so much and i think of situations in my head like im gna have a heart attack or theres somthin wrong with me.so now im always checking my pulse:( .it scares me so much i used to be a social person but now everytime i got out somewhere i start getting a panic attack thinkin theres something wrong with my heart and leave but wen i get home i notice im fine:(.like today i went to the grocery store to help my grandma n wen we got in line there was somethin wrong with the cashier.so i got ancey n checked my pulse n my heart was beating kinda fast so im think in my head omg then i start getting really hott it scares me...and now i have been getting bad heartburn and indigestion when i eat food and i get this really bad taste in my mouth,..can anyone relate to this?or can help me put my mind at ease?or give me some good advice thank you :))

08-08-11, 00:40
Sounds like me, i only ever smoked weed and about 2years ago i had a spliff and BAM panic attack ever since i aint been NORMAL as i say, i always check my pulse aswell my gp always tells me not to cuz as ur checking your pulse ur getting urself worked up more cuz ur listenin for it to be fast.. i was always worried about my heart but im not as bad with my heart now i always think i have other things eg. brain toumor even thou i havent slightest little thing gets to me :( worst thing i ever did was stop myself from going out now i ent been out in months.. you should really get some help with this uvawise it will seem alot worse like it did for me. all teh best x

08-08-11, 05:11
thank you leah . i wanna go see a doc but no medical insurence