View Full Version : Afternoon nap, always wake up anxious

06-05-06, 17:53
Hi All,

I'm sure this has been mentioned before but not sure if anyone has come to a conclusion why.

As long as I can remember, more often than not, if I drop off in the afternoon and have a nap maybe due to it being quite hot, I pretty much always wake up with a racing heart feeling really anxious. It's happened to me as along as I can remember. The strange thing is, I never wake up in the morning like this, only if I drop off in the afternoon for say an hour or even less! The anxiety doesn't last for too long really, just for about 10 minutes or so until I come to but it usually leaves me feeling a bit nauseous after for a while.

Any ideas?


06-05-06, 19:11
Im totally the same!

With me it rlates back to my first major PA, i was drifting off, and was woken suddenly and all contributed to my first & worst PA.

Think i always relate it back to that now, I guess its all about breaking the cycle etc.

Tatty B xx

06-05-06, 19:35
Hi Mark I am the same as well. I do a tape every afternoon doze off and wake up all tremblly and it takes a bit to come round. Sometimes mostly in the evening if I fall asleep watching tele, I wake with a full blown panic attack.

Barb x

06-05-06, 21:22
That's really bizarre both....

Like tattybear, I think I almost expect it and somehow my subconcious starts it off just before I come too. It really leaves me feeling tired and shaken as if I've just had a nasty shock. It happened to me when I woke up this afternoon, I'd only been asleep for about 30 mins and I woke up sweating, heart pounding, nauseous as hell which was made worse by the fact that I'm an emetophobe. Still, I'm here to tell the tale, was just curious! :)


Two heads
07-05-06, 20:29
It happens to me some afternoons but does go quite quickly!I have no idea why we do wake up feeling more anxious when 20min rest a day is ment to work wonders.xxxx