View Full Version : Anxiety and Inner Ear thing!

08-08-11, 01:39
Hello ...

I am new here, but I wanted to post this, so I could start hearing peoples opinions on this situation .....

I've had anxiety problems since I was preg. with my first child when I was 20, we now have 3 grown sons ~ I've suffered with anxiety through the years, on and off ~ I am 53 and in "normal" health, well, except for the fact that I am in the full throws of perimenopause, which is so much fun!:weep:
The anxiety through the years, would come and go ~ but I was never really completely rid of it. I never took anything for it, until 2006, when I began to take xanax, which thank God, really does help! I take it only when I need it, but lately, well, things haven't been to good for us financially here, and so, I end up taking 2 a day, they are half a mg. each . Now to add even MORE stress and anxiety, my M.D. is on this "get off drugs" kick, so now he wants to wean me off xanax....now, I totally understand what he's getting at ... I am no drug addict, thank you, but, I have tried before to do this myself, to sort of "wean" myself off them, and not take them even if I needed it, even if the anxiety was bad because I didn't want to become dependant on them, but it never works. In the end, I HAVE to take one, and boy, what a difference. Well, long story short, he is talking about lessening the dose, and then eventually getting me off them .... now, this is causing GREAT ANXIETY for me! Naturally, it would. This is the only thing that works! I deal with IBS as well, and when the IBS starts, oh boy, the only thing that'll stop those intestinal spasms, is xanax!

If we had the money, I'd go to a psych, because I know they are not as bad when it comes to giving out meds, as reg. M.D.'s are .... but at this moment, we don't...in fact, that's another big anxiety trigger right now....m;y husband was laid off from his job 3 mos. ago, and is looking for work ~ but it's hard! Now, you'd think that since my dr. knows this, that he'd realize how much I do need the xanax, and that NOW would not be the best time to start TRYING to wean me off them,,,but no! so, I am not only angry, but terribly anxious! I am in the process of looking around for another M.D...someone, who will understand. I've tried the self help approach, I've read Claire Weeks books (which were very good!), I drink relaxing teas, and take calcium to relax...in other words, over all these years, I've tried many diff. things, I'm not new to this!

Now, on June 28th, something really far out happened. It was 6 A.M. and I was coming out of a deep sleep, which already was weird, because my sleep stinks!!!!! ~ however, on that particular night, I went into some weirdo kind of deep sleep, well, at 6 A.M. i started waking up ~ as I opened my eyes, I felt kind of strange in my head, but then, as I began to TRY to sit up in bed... OH BOY, SEVERE LIGHTHEADEDNESS, OFF BALANCE, SWAYING, LISTING, you name it!!!! It was as if it must have been going on in my sleep! (which scares the daylights out of me!)

I VERY VERY VERY SLOWLY sat up on the edge of the bed, thank God the room itself wasn't spinning, I didn't have that, but the rest was incredibly bad! Okay, so I sat on the edge of my bed,shaking with fear, and everything was off balance and swaying. I could hear my husband in the living room, so I VERY VERY SLOWLY started to get up, but wow, that was not to good! I grabbed the dresser, and held on! I was able to make it to the doorway, and call him. He came over immed. and I grabbed his shirt collar tightly and kept saying "there's something wrong, there's something wrong with my head" ... now, at this point, I was just staring past him. (something I've had before actually, and my dr./s have always said it was anxiety) .... he stood there, and just talked to me, and held me, that's all we could do. As I stood there for those few minutes, it was as if the room around me became "copper" colored, but we do have dark paneling on the walls ~ I also felt it was strange to move my eyes to the left, as if something was behind my left eye, like pressure, which made it hard for the eye to move to the left, I could move both eyes to the right just fine. I also noticed that when I'd move them, there'd be this sort of "trail" of light behind the eye movement. By now, I was in a full blown panic attack, as you can well imagine!

After standing there with him for about 10 min.s I began to try to make my way very slowly to the bathroom, with his help. The swaying and off balance thing was very bad. I somehow managed to actually go to the bathroom, while swaying and off balance was happening, geez! He helped me walk back to the couch, where I sat next to him for HOURS, swaying and off balance .... if I moved my head in any direction, POW!!!!

I immed. took two xanax and a benadryl, because i've found that that is usually the magic duo that helps me, when I have crazy head symptoms, whetehr from anxiety and panic, or sinuses (which I have plenty of!) .. yes I should mention here, I am the SINUS QUEEN, lol ... i have had bad sinus issues since I was in my 20's ..... it does cause off balance and lightheadedness too, and being in perimenopause doesn't help, because those are two of one of the top symptoms of peri! so, it wasnt that I'm not used to that, it was that THAT morning was SO INCREDIBLY bad, I mean, those off balance and swaying feelings were worse than I have EVER had it! Plus, I had that staring thing, which also eventually wore off.

So, within about 20 minutes, the xanax and benadryl kicked in full swing, and I became a lot more relaxed and such, thank God~ but, the off balance was still there ....... the swaying thing was beginning to lessen little by little........ I felt somewhat queasy, not much. But holy cow!!!!!

I sat there for HOURS with him, and just sort of stared, ..... we did talk, and watched some movies .... I finally got tired enough, and fell asleep on his shoulder. I slept there for about 2 hr.s or so......when I woke up, I was still so darn afraid, afraid that it was going to happen again! From all my years with anxiety and panic, I've had some BAD episodes, but this was NUTS! So, later that day, I called my dr. and left a msg. since by now, he was gone. He got back to me the next day, and said it sounded to him, like an inner ear infection, combined with bad anxiety. Now, of course by now, I was thinking all the worst stuff possible.....oh, like brain cancer, brain tumor....you know the drill. But, he assured me, that wasn't the case. He had previously given me antibiotics (about 2 mos. ago) for a tooth absess on the top left gum area, and told me he'd call in another RX and to take that. But, I took them for the designated time period, and STILL to this day, I have to be so careful when getting up, darnnit! Okay, when I wake up, I have to slowly "come to", then, I just lie there, and very slowly get my bearings ~ then, I VERY SLOWLY get up, but only a little at a time, I sit up and lean on my arm and rest my head on my hand (as if you're watching t.v. on your side) .. I do that for a few minutes ..... THEN, I VERY SLOWLY throw my legs over the side of the bed, and sit there....I pick a certain object to look at, and just stare at it, because it helps if I don't let my eyes move all over the place.....or I'll pay for it the rest of the day with that off balance swaying thing.

FINALLY, I slowly get up .... I stand there, and feel off balance and lightheaded, but I breathe, and just tell myself it's ok, and very slowly begin to walk into the living room ...... now, this has gone on every morning since June 28th! I do notice that if I take a xanax right away, it helps, so my dr. thinks it's anxiety related . (and if I take the "magic combo" of xanax and benadryl, it REALLY helps) ...... now, I wanted to take some kind of MRI to prove to myself it wasn't a brain tumor, but my dr. says it's a waste bec. it's not a tumor, he said I'd have other symptoms.
He also reminds me that during perimenopause, so much of what i experienced that morning is quite common, and I know that, I do belong to a wonderful perimenopausal site and have learned so much! I am also an AVID reader, I read and consume everything..lol....so, I know how this goes.

BUT, having said all of this...... I am still lightheaded, SLIGHTLY off balance, (comes and goes during the day), a feeling of being detached and realization (very familiar with those!!!!), ..... does anyone here deal with anything like this?

I know this was a long long post, and I'm sorry, I just wanted to adequately describe this stupid situation. ... I am in "normal" health, for a woman of 53, with three grown sons, ... nothing out of the ordinary...I don't have any conditions or diseases, and my BP is usually "normal" ... but then again, your BP changes all day long ..... I don't take any other meds, except for xanax. (oh, and benadryl). WEll, and the antibiotics, but that is over now ..... I know anxiety can cause SO MUCH, and I've become so familiar,..TO familiar, with all of it over the years, things you'd never even think were anxiety, are! If there is anyone here who can relate to any of this, please post, I sure would appreciate it!

Thanks everyone!:)

08-08-11, 11:27
What you described happened that morning is exactly what i have had quite a few times!! I could have wrote that myself!!
Its truly terrifying... the room never spins but my god its awful, my head feels like its tipping all over the place and swaying, my eyes struggle to focus on anything and they feel like theyre spinning - its incredibly scary!
I first had this approx 18 months ago.. i woke up feeling awful which suddenly turned into immense fear, i tried to sit up but i couldnt... i couldnt move, the swaying was too much, i got into a huge panic attack and actually wet the bed as i couldnt get out of it.. it was the worst morning of my life!
When my parents got up, mum came into my room and helped me sit up etc - she was adament it was 'just anxiety' but i could feel it was more than that.
It eased over 2 days and then was fine again.... i got so scared every night though because i was scared to fall asleep incase it happened again, and even now.. after all the time, i wake up in the morning, open my eyes and think 'please god not again' and i sit up slowly... its really knocked my confidence.
I thought it could be my ears, however doc said it was anxiety!
I noticed that this would happen if i had eaten chocolate the day before - sounds strange but doc said it could be linked. I cut out chocolate from my diet from then on and i was fine... i then tested it over xmas last year and had some chocolate, the next morning it happened again! Whether this is all in my head and iv just associated chocolate with this symptom and it is actually anxiety that im controlling i dont know, but im quite happy living without chocolate!
It did however happen last weekend very mildly compared to that first morning - i had had a very anxious few days and i woke up the day after feeling slightly off-balance and light-headed... so i do think there is an anxiety link!

11-08-11, 08:12
This has happened 3 times. Twice the room was spinning thouygh. It was some some weird crazy panic attack over. Havin a ppanic attack. One time i was ill for 2 days after. Then the next (it was much worse) i was ill for a week after with the swayin, lightheadedness everyday cnctant for that week so horribly terryfyin inface my mum took me emergency!!

I thought it was spmething to do with vertigo becasue i would sit up and the room would stop after a few seconds but as soon as i lay back down it would all start again. I noticed since then as im fallin asleep i will start to feel myself spinnin but this might be just because im extremely worried when it gets to bed time and in the mornin im scared of openin my eyes!!

I would like my ears checked though but my doctor had a quick look and said theres nothin wrong. But then i thought there might be though but deeper in. I get what sounds like water in my ears and when i swallow it sound like a poppin noise and clickin. I have also noticed that ive been gettin alot of ear wax too. Also past week or so i seem to have this low ringing which when i dont think about i dont hear so i dont know whether thats just down to anxiety.

Seen 3 different doctors. Referred for therapy. One doctoer said stress one said anxiety one said depression. I was also worried about a tumor but doctor said no. I actually mentioned it to 2 doctors in which one replied "people come in with these kind of symptoms and think brain tumor or something, but, this is highly unlikly" one said "no. What you sescribing to me is depression" im guessing tumors would come with confusion, mood changes, seizures, memory loss etc. Not just bein dizzy. I was worried because it all started with a headachethat was recurrent and would last days!!

Im guna post myself about my ears but i do really want my eyes and ears looked properly. Really want some reasurance. Dont believe its anxiety because i dont exactly feel 'anxious' all the time but my symptoms are always there. I wouldnt even describe it as anxious feelin either. More like worried, what ifs. The most thing im worryin about are my symptoms!!

Long post i know sorry

11-08-11, 22:44
I've had similar weirdness a few times between 6am and 8am. Some sort of weird vertigo I think, seems random. I find the best thing to do is lay perfectly still and wait for it to go away. Not always easy when it's usually combined with a need to pee :)

13-08-11, 16:31
:huh:Hello again everyone,

Thank you so much for the replies! You know, I'm STILL weird in the head... this is really to much! Like I said in my original post, it began on June 28th, and in a way, never left. There have been "good days" where I've been able to get up NORMALLY, NOT OVERLY SLOWLY, but most days I do have to get up very slowly and keep my eyes fixed on ONE THING in the room, then sit on the edge of the bed for a few minutes, THEN stand up .. at which point, I sort of gauge how it feels from there. MOST TIMES, I STILL have to walk slowly to begin with, sort of paddle around the house slowly ..... I ALWAYS feel weird now, when I wake up. I CAN feel a sort of pressure on the left side of my head, and usually down on the left side of my face, like sinus pressure. So who knows, maybe that's it ... I don't know.

The fact that it's STILL with me, makes me very very nervous. We have no health insurance (to expensive), and certainly cannot pay for a dr...so, that's that. It makes me feel very alone and frightened. At least for you guys in the U.K. you can see a dr. if you need to, am I right? I only wish that was the way it was here! So, in the meantime, I wait.

Now, I do belong to a peri-menopause site which has helped me a lot too ... so many of the other women there, have had things like this, with it ongoing as well ...... but, I feel so frightened. During this time of change in my body, when the hormones are really whacked out, it's so hard! The symptoms of perimenopause are horrible, and very debilitating! Dizziness, off balance, swaying, can all be a big part of this LOVELY time ....
but see, I've HAD that before during peri ..... BUT NEVER LIKE THIS, and that's what worries me!

If anyone here, has had maybe an episode like I had, BUT HAD IT LAST AS LONG AS I'VE HAD ..... please post, I'm so frightened.


15-08-11, 20:08
I have the exact same issue as you Snow White. Im 48 and have had this awful ear thing since i was pregnant with my 1st at age 23 !! I have researched this and have a fab doctor and have inner ear dysfunction which is made worse by stress, anxiety and the biggie HORMONES !! I am on tablets now which help. I also have excess fluid in my ears which cause the inbalance especially round monthly periods ! so i take water tablets to help drain the fluid. !! I still suffer from it and find that it comes and goes. I have bad bouts of it when it can last weeks and then it disappears for weeks. Thats how it is. Have loads of info on it altho im not medical i have been suffering for 25 yrs and have looked into this issue to try and help myself. You describe what i feel and its awful. I feel ur pain ! am going thro a bad bout at the mo..but think i am def perimenopause as have other symptoms.
PM if you want more info or just a friendly ear to listen.
My advice is not to try let it ruin your life. I did years ago when i refused to go out cos i was scared of it happening. just take it as it comes. go with it. Dont watch tv or read or use computer as the flickering images wil make it worse. try relax as stress also makes it worse. keep your head still till the worst is over.
i also have some exercises from my doctor which retrain the brain and help the balance system. when i remember to do them :)
Stay calm, and remember this is a really common problem. I always worry i am seriously ill but as my doctor says, i have had it that long now nothing drastic will happen. and dizziness alone is usually innocent. ie with no other symptoms. As awful as it is it WILL improve as your brain / ear will right itself.
take care hunny

15-08-11, 21:22

Oh thank you all for the posts!!!! Listen, that really helped me, at least I don't feel so darn alone, and panicky!

But, the thing is, I STILL HAVE THIS! Now, after having read your posts, I realize that whatever this is, it can hang on ....... but I can't help but dwell on the worst, which of course, is brain tumor! UGH! Everyone around me, including my husband, swears its anxiety, but you know how this is! Once that thought gets in there, that's it! A friend of mine whose sister had a brain tumor said that, if that was it, you wouldn't have good days and bad days, once it got to that point......it would ALWAYS be like that ...so, I guess so..I don't know. With me, there are good days, and bad days with this off balance swaying thing. I wonder too, if it's not my sinuses ... I've had sinus problems most of my life, so did my mother. I end up having to take Benadryl usually every day for pete sake! Either due to a sinus headache, or stuffy nose feeling. It could be an allergy too, I guess.

NO, this is awful. I feel so badly for all of you who replied, I know how bad this is. It can definately ruin your life, because you're afraid to go out, not knowing if this can happen again. Just the thought of waking up in the morning, scares me now. MORE ANXIETY! I never know, from day to day, if I'll wake up with this swaying off balance thing again, what torment! It is still with me everyday, to some degree ... I don't know if it's sinus, inner ear, or anxiety ...... and all I can think about is brain tumor!

Thank you so darn much for all your replies ..... I am so glad to have found this site and such friendly people!