View Full Version : Take at morning or night

08-08-11, 10:21
What's the best time to take citalopram please?? I've been taking them at say 8pm. With no side effects(I'm on 20mg).
The only thing is in the mornings I still feel anxious, low and unconfident. Plus panicky.
Should I try a different time? I just thought if i took them at night then they would be in my system for the morning when I wake and maybe I would feel better in the mornings.
Hope you get what I mean?

Any helps appreciated, thanks.

08-08-11, 10:37
Hi - they will stay in your system whatever time you take them.
I take mine in the morning as people warned me they could interfere with sleep (and we dont need that!) Also I like taking it in the morning because if you forget you can still take it a bit later.
Anxiety first thing in the morning is so typical - I am a year on from my bad times although still on Cit. But I can remember always waking with a horrible feeling of dread.
It will get better!!

08-08-11, 11:39
Hi Yorkman, ia am on citalopram 40mg, and have been for 11 months, about 4 weeks ago i changed to taking mine in the evening 8.30pm, because of the morning feeling, i don't really think it has made much difference, although i do sleep better, i think it is just a matter of time untill we feel 100% in the mornings, hope this helps and good luck xx

08-08-11, 20:11
Thanks a lot!! Just takes me a few hours to feel ok in a morning!

09-08-11, 00:12
When i first started taking mine, i took it before bed so that any side effects would of been worked through in my sleep and not affect me at work. At first i would just wake up in the middle of the night but get back to sleep fine afterwards. A few months later and i have no side affects. I have currently been up to 20mg and i just feel a bit groggy in the morning but then i do wake up at like 6am to get to work. i think its a mix of both that is causing this but i know it will fade as my body gets use to the extra amount. Just remember everyone is different and has different lifestyles so do what suits you and your way of life. Hope things are going well for you xxx

09-08-11, 13:14
Thanks for replying, im basically feeling anxious and say a bit nervy? Worried? And the mornings are the worst part of the day for feeling like this. Guess I will have to hope the feelings go in time.
Take care

11-08-11, 09:11
They will go - its hard to believe it at the time but you will get better x

11-08-11, 09:22
Yorkman it is very common for anxiety to be at its worst in the morning so it may have nothing to do with the cit at all.

Try and make sure that you eat something early on as a lot of problems can be caused by low blood sugar.

Keep reading the cit guide as it will hopefully re-assure you that you are doing absolutely fine.

Starting meds can be a bit of a roller coaster and it is hard to believe that things will get better.

Good luck and hang on in there.
