View Full Version : propranolol

08-08-11, 10:49
I was prescribed 80mgs daily slow release following what i assumed were work stress related rumbling headaches - been on them for a yr.....tiredness ( which could also be an anxiety related issue - i'm a raging hyphocondriac ) and low pulse ( ave 55 )

decided to come off them as the headaches have abated and i was worried about my low pulse ( and the stone and a half i've put on )

dc suggested i wean off them - 10 mgs twice daily for a week and off - now feel spaced out, still tired and pulse still low......sigh......

08-08-11, 12:48
You must only come off them gradually or you could suffer serious side effects if you suddenly stop them and even once you have stopped them it can take many weeks for the residue of the drugs to get out of your systom.

One other thing have you had your thryoid gland tested recently as your symptoms are same as an underactive thryoid but also could just be side effects of what is a high dose of betablockers.

If you haven't had your thyroid checked in last 6 months then if it was me I would ask for it to be checked and continue to slowly reduce dose of betablockers, this is just me of course:)

08-08-11, 12:58
i think the tiredness is stress related CG, i still swim 40 lengths 5 days a week and walk my dogs daily 3 time as day, the tiredness is more of a spaced out,heavy eyed feeling, going through tests at the moment for a suspected fatty liver as well so i'm currently in panic mode.....