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View Full Version : Need some words of reassurance (cipralex)

06-05-06, 18:28
It's my first day on Cipralex. I only took 10mg. If feels weird - I feel...drunk. Lack of attention, very calm and almost no emotions. Occasionaly, I get swiped by panic, but not like a proper panic attack, just a faded one. I'm only concerned about one symptom - I feel so slow, almost abnormally calm...Is it normal? Will it go away?

06-05-06, 20:48
Hi violet

Starting on anti-anxiety medication always feels wierd for the first few days at least as chemical changes occur in your brain allowing the new medication to take effect. Be sure that your experience on your 1st day of taking these will be vastly different 2 weeks down the line. Your doctor would be best to advise you, but in my experience give any anti-depressant 2 weeks at least to get full effect. I've tried cipralex also for social anxiety. Although experiences differ from person to person, I found they helped me feel less anxious in social situations but made me generally MORE anxious which is why I reverted back to effexor. I hope you feel better soon, the 1st week is the worst. Only time will tell if this medication is rite 4u.

06-05-06, 21:11
Hi Violet,

I was on cipralex for 8 months and like you started on 10mg. The first day I also felt very weird and quite sick but the second day wasnt quite so bad and the side effects faded completely over the next couple of weeks. Hope you get on ok with it...I found it really helped.

Coni X

06-05-06, 21:26
Hi Violet,

I am taking Cipralex, I started on 5mg and worked gradually up to 20mg. I suffered exactly as you've described amongst other symptoms. They do settle down though and the drug has been a massive help for me. I'm taking it more for the anxiety than depression and it's doing a pretty good job!

Mark x

06-05-06, 23:00
Thanks for your replys, guys. I'm taking it for anxiety but I found that it makes me depressed...I hope it will disappear...

Two heads
07-05-06, 21:33
Thats sounds normal!Im on citalopram and that made me feel low to begin with,it should pass!Stick with it.xxx

07-05-06, 22:07
Hi Violet

I just wonered how you were feeling on these today? I have been sitting on a packet of escitalopram for a couple of weeks, too afraid to try them but am feeling very much the same as you - really had enough of being anxious and I have tried so many things....

I would love to hear how it goes xxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

07-05-06, 23:08
Hi feege,

what can say - I keep telling myself that all the side effects will soon be gone...As for now, I have a constant headache (not too severe, just annyoing :-)) but having a headache is a very unusual thing for me.. I feel a bit dizzy and tired...Yesterday it made me feel depressed, too. I'm taking it for anxiety, actually and not for depression. I only take 5 mg a day...I hesitated for quite some time before I decided to give it a go...I hate drugs...

07-05-06, 23:13
Hi Violet

I hope it starts to work for you soon, a lot of people with anxiety seem to have had loads of success with them.... Sax who came today was saying how well they have worked for her!

Good luck xxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

08-05-06, 05:33
Hi Guys
i've been on Cipralex for about 9 mths now Started on 5mg and went to 10 afta 2 weeks. I reckon they've gotta be the best drug ever invented.
Once the side effects are gone you'll be a new person. The only lasting effect I have is a loss of interest in sex

Don't believe everything you think.