View Full Version : It came without any warning..!! Can that really happen?

08-08-11, 11:50
Hi all,

Iv suffered with panic attacks for the last 12 years so you'd think id be an expert by now but certain things still surprise me and make me doubt its just panic...

Iv just been sat on my bed with my laptop doing some work and watching the tele - not stressed, car has gone in for its service so iv got a chilled day at home today with nothing planned apart from a friend coming round later to catch up... and all of sudden, without any warning, i felt weird.. faint, and like i was gona pass out, my head felt strange and woozy - it happened and went within a minute or so and left me feeling panicky, anxious and scared incase something was seriously wrong with me or incase i was going to pass out (which i have a fear of)

Can panic really just come out of the blue??

I am going through abit of a stressful time at the moment - brothers wedding on friday and very nervous about this etc but id understand the feelings if i was sat here conciously thinking about the wedding etc but i wasnt...

Any reassurance would be great as im on the verge of cancelling on my friend coming round incase it happens again! xx

08-08-11, 12:37
Don't cancel your friend unless you really have to Claire, seeing her would surely be better than being on your own worrying? The problem is, it's not just our conscious mind we have to worry about and the unconscious as well, so maybe you were worrying about the wedding without realising it. Panic can definitely make its presence felt announced - the important thing is not to get caught up in thinking because it's happened once it's going to happen again - which is of course not always easy.

I hope you are feeling a bit better. Try to stay cool, breathe properly (this defo helped me through a potential panic situation last night) and I hope you have a lovely day on Fri xx

08-08-11, 15:30
Thank you for your reply - i didnt cancel on my friend, shes just left now. Im glad i didnt cancel because it got my mind off it!

Iv got to pick my car up from the garage later and im feeling anxious about that because i have to leave the house whilst still feeling abit tense and worried about this morning... but il do it. I have no choice really... i definitly need my car back!

After all this time, i would have thought id know its just panic... but it still has the ability to scare the hell out of me! x

08-08-11, 15:39
its a pain isn't it this panic business :huh:

glad you didn't cancel your friend though :yesyes:

08-08-11, 20:43
Hey, that has happened to me before now, just going about my day - not stressed at work( which i love ) and WHAM!!! panic attack .That was a couple of months ago and i have not had one since. and the last one before that was about 3 years ago.
its very annoying and makes you wonder when the next one is going to be. ive learnt to control mine now and go with them and not stress when i do have one as this only makes the situation even worse.
Enjoy the wedding- u WILL be fine.