View Full Version : Melanoma

08-08-11, 13:30
Hi everyone

I posted about 10 days ago about a mole that I have on my tummy. I've had it for as long as I can remember and it's about as big as the end of a pencil (or just slightly smaller).

Anyway I posted about having a tingling/prickling sensation in it but that it hadn't changed. I had it checked 10 months ago and was told it looked fine.

Anyway over the past week I have been checking it constantly and I have now convinced myself that it has changed. I can see a small White spot in the centre of it that I am sure wasn't there before. I know that I sound like I'm crazy but I really need some advice. If it was melanoma would it change that quickly (in the space of a week)?

I am very close to googling pictures of melanoma but I know that this will panic me even more. So I posted on here instead hoping that someone can help me.

My HA is way out of control at the moment as I am on holiday with my children and can't see a dr for another 3 weeks. I know that I am ruining this break with the kids as I can't concentrate on anything except this damnded mole.

Please can anyone help me?

Thank you.

Fran xx

Gemma T
08-08-11, 14:07
I dont have any medical advice or information for you but I wanted to show my support.

My doctor told me that I will find what I want to because I seek it. Im sure your doing the same. Ive seen malignant melanoma and its obvious. Very obvious something aint right. Maybe youve scratched it and its a bit of dry skin. ( before you think it scratching a mole wont cause cancer).

Enjoy your holiday and book an appointment when you get back. I have alot of moles that have completey changed shape and they have been friendly. Moles appear, dissappear and change shape/colour all the time. My dermatologist told me this is all very normal.

x x x

08-08-11, 15:19
I went through the exact same thing and know exactly what you are going through. The tingling is just your mind playing tricks on you. I had a mole on my back which was asymmetrical and i began to panic. I began to feel constant tingling in my back. Turned out to be benign and eventually i overcome it and the tingling went away.

You said you have had the mole checked already? If that same mole was beginning to turn malignant believe me you would notice it. It would grow and turn different shades of colour and would eventually start to crust, puss and bleed.

09-08-11, 15:26
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. It's so reassuring to know that I'm not the only one to experience this.

So if there are slight changes it doesn't necessarily mean that it's cancerous? I am trying to tell myself that even if it is a melanoma it is probably very early stages. This isn't really helping but I'm trying to be rational.

I also have random pains in the mole (s bit like a stabbing pain) and it feels tender when I touch it but I'm not sure if this is because all of the poking and prodding I keep doing to it. Worried male did you ever get pain in the mole or did it feel tender to the touch? I don't remember reading that pain is a sign of melanoma.

The mole is mostly flat with a raised part in the centre. Does anyone else have a mole like that?

I am driving myself mad. I feel desperate. I wish I could go back 10 days when I wasn't worrying about this mole. I can't remember if it's started hurting since I started obsessing or if I'm obsessing because it started hurting. I feel like cutting the damned thing out myself (obviously I won't do this but that's how I feel) :weep:

Love Fran x

09-08-11, 15:28
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. It's so reassuring to know that I'm not the only one to experience this.

So if there are slight changes it doesn't necessarily mean that it's cancerous? I am trying to tell myself that even if it is a melanoma it is probably very early stages. This isn't really helping but I'm trying to be rational.

I also have random pains in the mole (s bit like a stabbing pain) and it feels tender when I touch it but I'm not sure if this is because all of the poking and prodding I keep doing to it. Worried male did you ever get pain in the mole or did it feel tender to the touch? I don't remember reading that pain is a sign of melanoma.

The mole is mostly flat with a raised part in the centre. Does anyone else have a mole like that?

I am driving myself mad. I feel desperate. I wish I could go back 10 days when I wasn't worrying about this mole. I can't remember if it's started hurting since I started obsessing or if I'm obsessing because it started hurting. I feel like cutting the damned thing out myself (obviously I won't do this but that's how I feel) :weep:

Love Fran x

09-08-11, 16:15
You said the mole was smaller than the end of a pencil? This alone tells me its not melanoma. Melanoma is always larger than 6-7 mm, has different shades of colour and the skin surrounding it would turn a reddish sort of colour.

Now relax and go and enjoy your holiday! If you are still worried when you get back than get it checked for your piece of mind. But from what you have described it does not sound like Melanoma.

Gemma T
09-08-11, 18:35
I have some pretty random shaped moles and when I saw the dermatologist she ok them all.

If it hurts its because your mind has told it to. I have lumps on the side of my tongue. The dentist asked if they hurt and I said no. Since he asked me theyve hurt.

Mind over matter. Please enjoy your holiday. Its not a problem until your doctor says its one x x x

09-08-11, 19:47
I am going through exactly the same thing as you right now, except 'm going on holiday next week, and really dont want this worry hanging over me. I went to the doctor about a mole three weeks ago, and she told me to come back in a month, but I went back this week as I wanted something done and would be away by next week. Ihave suffered three huge, unfounded panics about my health this year, and despite now taking Citalopram, I feel as if I am losing it big time.

I dont think the mole has grown, and she says its a "good colour" and at its longest it is 5mm. I live in France and doctors are much more sympathetic to a patient's worries, so she tried to get me an appointment with dermatologist this week. Still waiting to see if I can get a cancellation. If not I will have to wait until late August.

Someone I knew had the most terrible looking, huge, crusty and black mole. She had had melonoma years ago, so got an emergency appointment. Fortunately all was absolutely fine. Please try not to worry. I know its so hard, but I think we should try and trust the medical experts. If something was seriously wrong, it would be treated and sorted out immediately. I send you all best wishes. I am sure all will be fine for both of us.