View Full Version : Blocked Sneezing

08-08-11, 14:29
Hi, I was wondering if anybody else has ever experienced this? Basically, I will have the sensations of the beginning of a sneezing (we shall call it the 'aah' bit) but the final part does not happen (the 'choo' bit.) I have never had problems sneezing in the past, this has just recently started happening.

Even doing old wives tale style things such as tickling the nostril, inhaling pepper doesn't work!

Basically, I'm after some reassurance as this isn't a serious issue and more than likely it's probably developed into a psychological one and I've put a psychological block on my sneezing, so to speak.

As you can guess by my post, I do suffer from health anxiety, and am refusing to visit Dr Google!!

Can anybody help?


08-08-11, 21:24
I have this all the time, as do friends and family. It's perfectly normal

09-08-11, 22:39
I've been getting this lately. I sneeze alot more than usual, but I do also get the pre sneezing but without the sneeze. It lasts long enough and worries me. Good to see it's not just me.

09-08-11, 22:57
I also get this, its annoying!