View Full Version : Knee joints ache+crack at times-Reassurance pls?

06-05-06, 19:41

Can somebody help in calming me down yet again?

Since me recent worry about tingles in the feet and hands for the last 3 days, my knee joints appear to ache and when I bend down they crack at times (best word I can use to describe the feeling).

I have looked on the web and found this, which I think answers my question but I'm not sure?

Tense muscles lead to increased fidgeting, prickling sensations in the skin and stiffness in the joints.

Can somebody help in calming me down yet again?


06-05-06, 22:18
Hi there Tony,

Joints cracking are nothing to worry about, my neck makes a cracking noise nearly every time I turn it, makes people cringe sometimes, lol.

The reason is usually gases escaping from the joints, the fluid in the joints (that lubricates the joint) contains oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. These gases can be released from joints when you move them and form bubbles, hence the sound you hear.
If the cracking is in the knee or ankle it can just be that you hear a tendon returning to it's original place after being moved, that can make a noise too.

Take care,


07-05-06, 00:41
A girl in my primary school could make her fingers crack on request just by splaying and moving her fingers about. So don't worry.

07-05-06, 22:57

i'm a physio - lots of people get joint noises and cracks espcially knees, fingers and necks - nothing to worry about - as for the aches - gently exercise and accept a few aches and pains as part of the lot of a knee - get it moving before you stand up

if an ongoing problem or if it locks up or gives way see your local nhs physio for a review


april tones
07-05-06, 22:58
This would defienlty not be ms either, if im right ms is not typical of these symtoms? you will be fine honest xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

marie ross
08-05-06, 00:03
Hi Tony,

My joints especially my knees and ankles are terrible for cracking especially in the morning, my boyfriend is always laughing at me in the morning because no matter how quiet i try to be when he's still in bed and i try to walk across the room all you can hear are my ankles cracking (he says i sound like i'm walking across dry twigs!!!!) Really i would'nt worry about it, it's really common especially if you hav'nt been very active.

06-10-08, 11:07
Hi all,

This symptom started on Sunday, where all my joints appear to be clicking (legs, arms and ankles etc).

I was wondering if this is something serious or that it is my body starting to relax after worrying for weeks over my persistent headache.


06-10-08, 14:46

My knees crack every time I bend them. So do my ankles :)

06-10-08, 15:13
My knees crack every time I bend them, or kneel down too. it is very loud and sometimes quite embarassing! I asked a physio who said nothing to worry about.
Everyone always winces when they crack, assuming they hurt - but they don't

06-10-08, 15:24
Red, this isn't something serious. You're anxious love, so you're making a big deal of it. No problem though.

06-10-08, 17:03
Yea, I think I'm going through a bad period again with headaches, sickness feeling and now these cracking joints.

Life is so hard suffering with anxiety, I wish I could be normal like everybody I work with, they are so happy all the time.


06-10-08, 20:26
Hi all,

I was wondering if anxiety (thinking about the symptom) can make me joints tense, so they are all cracking.

It is not just my knees or elbows, it appears to be my shoulder, ankles, wrists etc.

I’m getting negative thoughts again, as I lost a friend to leukaemia and reading the papers about Wendy Richardson having bone cancer.

As this started Sunday, would it come that quick…!

I can not realy go to the doctors as I have been twice in the past two weeks about the headaches I was getting.


06-10-08, 22:22
Of course anxiety can make you tense - you know this! Loads of my joints crack all the time (there is a name for it - crepitis, should be CRAPitis!). It really is nothing to worry about, and certainly not a sign of MS as far as I am aware!

06-10-08, 22:22
Have you tried taking glucosamine and chondroitin - supposed to be really good for lubricating joints!

06-10-08, 22:33
Sounds just like the anxiety symptoms i get quite regulary and sometimes when i don't feel like i am worrying about anything in particular!!:wacko:

I think its all to do with being tense, whether you know you are or not. I really don't think its anything to worry about, but i can totally understand why you are. We are all going through it, hard work isn't it.....!

Take Care

Elsie :)

09-10-08, 10:55

I went to see a doctor on Tuesday.

He did not check me over, just said it is normal, something to do with nitrogen, that was all he said.

I was hoping he would do a blood test, to put my mind at rest as I'm not 100% convinced


09-10-08, 11:21
Hi red - I reckon you were right a couple of posts ago - your anxiety is probably making you tense, and the tension is making your muscles tighten around your joints. Like if you stay in one position for a long time, when you move your joints crackle away like anything. Are you exercising? And seeker had some good advice with the glucosamine and chondroitin.

I think the nitrogen is a theory about what causes the cracking noise. It's gas (nitrogen) escaping from bubbles that form in the fluid in your joints. It's all perfectly normal, and we all get it, to some degree or other. Like the doc said. Bone cancer doesn't make your joints crack, I don't think, as it is in the bone rather than the joint, so I don't see how it would. The fact that you only started thinking that you might have it when you heard that someone else had it is classic HA. Wendy Richard's cancer started in the breast by the way, many years and many treatments ago.

So you've had a medical exam, no problems found... you can relax a bit now. None of us health anxies are ever 100% convinced about anything. You just have to accept that the anxiety isn't going to let you feel 100% convinced. Focus on the anxiety, not what it's telling you (it's my new mantra).:)

09-10-08, 14:31
Thanks for the reply...!

Could it be leukaemia, as it is on my mind.

I lost a friend to it and I'm still in a mess over it.


Cathy V
09-10-08, 14:36
If you had cancer, of the bones or blood or anywhere, you would have many more symptoms going on than some cracking joints, you would feel very poorly indeed, and if the doc thought what you have is an indication that you might have cancer he would have referred you on for tests.

Please believe your doc and stop worrying. As you can see from all of your replies, cracking joints in all parts of the body is a very common thing.

Take care
cathy :)

09-10-08, 19:37
I just wished the doctor would of checked me out more, rather than just say "it's normal, on your way..!".

Aches and pains, every joint cracks feeling nausia, family had it up to hear with me, life is so lonely at the moment.


09-10-08, 19:41
Aw red, I do feel for you right now. Your anxiety has obviously got you into a terrible state. Are you getting any therapy for the anxiety at the moment, cbt or something?

09-10-08, 20:15
I did a CBT course around 6 months ago, which mainly talked about my past, as I was beaten black and blue by my mother and he said that is what the cause of anxiety was and then the doctor put me on a medication called amitriptyline, which worked for some time until this bad experience, which I'm going through.

I have just been to the shop and took the dog a walk but I just felt weak and holding back tears, which is embarrassing for a 34 year old man as these joints are cracking all over my body.

I’m thinking that I have leukaemia, that is what’s on my mind and I’m not far off putting the word into Google (I’m trying to hold back).

I’m not sure what to do, going back to see my doctor would be embarrassing to be seen by the receptionists again…….!


09-10-08, 20:20
I'd say go back to your doctor as many times as you need. If nothing else it will show him just how anxious you are and maybe he can offer you some further help for this. You'll exhaust yourself with the worrying. Even if you start to feel reassured that you don't have leukemia after worrying about it for days and days, you'll just be on to the next thing after that, and then the next thing, and the next... I know cbt and meds haven't worked out for you so far but really do need to address your anxiety. There are other treatments out there. Talk to your doc about it. :hugs:

10-10-08, 08:47

I have got myself back in the doctors today at 4.30pm (my doctor, who knows everything ab out me).

I will ask for help, see what he suggests.

I will see what he says about my joints then if it is ok, I will accept it.....!


10-10-08, 08:52
Good for you red, good luck. Let us know how you get on :).

10-10-08, 21:23

My doctor today was fantastic.

He got this arm off the shelf and showed me why the joints are cracking and said mine are because of stress and showed me what happens when the body is under stress, regarding the joints.

He checked the flow of my joints and said everything ok.


10-10-08, 21:38
Hooray! So you're not worried any more, right? So glad your doctor was able to put your mind at ease. He sounds like a great GP :).

10-10-08, 22:05
I'm happy, just hoping it will start to get better over the next few days.

He is a great doctor, the best there but hard to get an appointment with.