View Full Version : How do you manage work?

Lou 1
08-08-11, 15:39
Just wondering if people on here with Health Anxiety / depression are currently in work?

Im working at the minute but on advice of my OH nurse I have taken 8 weeks unpaid leave, as my anxiety is preventing me from being able to carry out my duties at work.

I'm starting to get really worried about going back, I was working 30 hours over 3 days a week, the days were pretty long so my manager suggested that when i go back I work the hours over 5 days.
I want to increase back to 37.5 hours (financial reasons) but I just dont know if i can manage it.

I have silly thoughts like, what If i make myself ill working too many hours, or what if i become anxious at work.

Do you all work full time hours and how do you manage? Any advice?

08-08-11, 15:51
I'm supposed to be starting college next month and i have no idea how i'm going to manage. Hopefully it will take my mind off things but i doubt it.

08-08-11, 16:12
returning to work after a brief spell on sick leave was the best thing in my recovery. i work 37 hours a week monday to friday and i can honestly say my anxiety does not often effect me to at work, i think because i am distracted and with people who do not know about my anxiety so i probably put on a front to hide it too.

when my anxiety does pop up i treat it like i do at home, e.g. take a quiet moment to myself, pop to the toilet and do deep breathing etc.

to be honest yes i do think i get more tired than your average joe but i guess i just try and deal with that and not dwell on it too much, just lots of early nights and rest will keep you trucking on through the day, and plenty of water on stand by!


08-08-11, 16:57
Work is the one thing that keeps me sane, unfortunately as I work in a school I am off at the moment and have far too much time on my hands. I am trying to keep busy and not give myself too much time to think about things.

08-08-11, 17:03
Hi Lou
I work full time although I do have the facility to work flexibly from home when it skits me. I do get anxious at work but I feel that I am achieving something by going and it gives me good chances to practice my coping strategies.
I do get very tired and try to rest as much as possible.
When I first returned I used leave to work half days for the first couple of weeks which helped.
Good luck I hope it goes well for you

Lou 1
08-08-11, 17:12
Thanks .. some really good replies.
Its nice to hear that returning to work has helped people.

I agree that being in work will take my mind off of my anxiety, sitting at home gives me time to 'over' think and i think its making me more anxious.
I was just worried about making my anxiety worse taking on too many hours.

Thanks guys :)

10-08-11, 09:57
I'm definitely one of the people who think that work helps, therefore I'll always make myself go even if I'm in a really anxious state, as it gives me something else to think about other than me.

10-08-11, 12:14
I am currently signed off work because of my anxiety and very worried about going back. I was getting a lot of anxiety attacks at work so going back will be an acid test for me.I completely understand your fears. I guess we have to take heart from those who find that work does help to take the mind off things.

10-08-11, 13:22
i've been signed off for the last 6 weeks, i really hoped to go back today but just can't. I've got another 2 weeks off.

I'm receiving cbt and my therapist suggested that i go back gradually. I have a meeting on friday with my personnel manager to discuss my abscense. I only work part time but its on a checkout in a busy supermarket and i find it really difficult to converse with people when i feel this bad.

I really want to get back to work but i have to be ready.

10-08-11, 18:04
I don't work at the moment but have applied for voluntary work to see if I can cope with it as sick of being stuck indoors doing nothing with my life.

It's hard because when I get anxious I think I am going to be sick and I have a phobia of vomiting so it makes my anxiety harder to control.

10-08-11, 22:36
For me work can be a distraction and overall it probably helps me get out of bed of a morning. However, sometimes I have to go for a long walk away from my desk when I get stressed out.

Actually, I'm not coping that well at work at the moment but it helps that it's August and not very busy.