View Full Version : Twitch/Bubble Feeling in Legs

08-08-11, 15:40
Hi everyone,

I wonder if anyone else had experience of a bubble feeing in their legs and occasionally arms? It's like a sudden throb and I sometimes see the skin move.

My HA has convinced me it is MS and I am freaking out. I have noticed it for about two weeks now.

Many thanks everyone.


08-08-11, 16:27
Oh dear I've Googled and now convinced it's MS or Motor Neurone Disease :-( feeling very stressed.

08-08-11, 18:08
Feeling really paranoid now, has no-one else has had this!

08-08-11, 18:23
Hi i get it,infact i got it today in my left leg,its like something is moving under the skin,i get it in my arms and back too.x

08-08-11, 20:36
Thanks Sandy, good to know I'm not alone! We're a right pair aren't we?

Are you a Googler? I Google all the time and I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself!