View Full Version : i have to start believing it.......

08-08-11, 17:08
I had such a rough night last night no sleep again stupid cjd on my mind.kept waking up and checking for symptoms : (

Got some zopiclone to take tonight,which knocks me out but only for a couple of hours.sleep disturbance is awful.....

I decided to take my cbt councellors advice and ring the helpline.the lady was really sympathetic and explained that this disease would have progressed to some physical symptoms since may....also she said there has only been one case within the last year so its very rare.she said I need to put it out of my mind.I really need to move on.my only symptoms bothering me is anxiety and twitchy muscles.I have just started on escitalopram has anyone got good stories a)out this?

Aaaaah the mind is so powerful x x x

Gemma T
08-08-11, 22:29
Im glad your getting some help your happy with. Sounds like a useful helpline x x x