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08-08-11, 20:07
Hi. Got my cardiologists letter today. Said frequent ventricular ectopics of the budle branch block right axis deviation were seen. Goes on to say symptoms coming from the right ventricular outflow tract. Does this mean anything to anyone???? Is it a fancy way of saying ventricular ectopics???? Also says something about ecg normal sinus rhythm with a non progressive r wave from v1 to v3. I am sure it means nothing to anyone but thought id ask. Thought it would say ectopics ignore and it may do in fancy jargon. Got to have stress test, echo and 24hr bp. Thanks if you manage to read this and even more thanks if you understand. Oh and also been having spasm type pain behind or just under breast bone any ideas

08-08-11, 21:09
Hi Daisy,

sorry i cant decipher it for you, i just wanted to say it seems a bit silly for a doc or hospital to send someone a letter full of medical terms the normal person cant understand, take it to your gp and ask for what it all means.

good luck xx

08-08-11, 21:18
Thanks for answering. I have my exercise test fri so am going to ask then. But silly me i googled and the ecg seems to show i have had an old mi "heart attack" would he just have let me leave the appointment without discussing it? Feel amazingly calm for me but will be loosing the plot sometime soon. Got a 24hr bp monitor tomorrow that will be so high. I asked for a copy of the letter as sick of not been told results etc so serves me right i suppose.

08-08-11, 22:46
Assume you have been given a copy of the letter that would be sent to your GP hence all the medical terminology. Having worked at a Drs there really is no way anyone not medically qualified can interpret a letter like this and certainly not google!

You need to see your GP and see what he says - he will have received the letter as well so if anything really bad he would have been in touch.

Gemma T
08-08-11, 22:48
If it was something serious they wouldnt have sent a letter with medical jargon in it. They would ring and ring and if they cant get through your gp will ring and ring x x x

08-08-11, 23:10
Thanks country girl and gemma. He saw the ecg before he saw me so im thinking "hoping" he would have told me anything i needed to know. Just said it was an electrical problem. At the end of the letter-that was for my gp-it said i will keep you informed of any test results and any intervention needed. Thank you again for botherinv to reply it means alot x

08-08-11, 23:22
Hi Daisy
It is pinpointing where in the heart conducting system the ectopics originate from. The bundle branch is at the wall where the two chambers of the heart meet at the bottom. The right axis is where this bundle of nerves branches into the right chamber.
Hope this helps

08-08-11, 23:36
Oh thank you x so all it is really saying it is an ectopic beat and this is where it comes from? Does the ecg t wave thing sound ok? Sorry for asking but you sound like you know your stuff x.

09-08-11, 14:36
The r wave progression thing is a feature of a normal ECG