View Full Version : what is happening to me.. seriously!!

08-08-11, 20:20
my right ear is full of wax and is hurting when i put my finger in it it makes a really wierd noise, also when i press on the outside of my ear it makes a funny noise, doesnt happen with the left one though.

im getting pain in my throat nose and eyes, eyes burn if i have them open

08-08-11, 20:34
also im really scared because i think im going to die suddenly

08-08-11, 20:34
has anyone ever experienced a falling feeling as your going to sleep, its like your falling then you wake up with a racing heart

08-08-11, 20:46
With regards to the ear problems, i often get that if im coming down with a cold or sore throat it always affects my ears really badly, see how you go if its still like it in a couple of days see your gp, but in my opionon (not professional) i would say its ok, big hugs to you x

08-08-11, 20:47
Oh also most of the time when i get that i go to my gp and i have to have my ears cleared out lol.. i get it alot x

08-08-11, 20:47
And 3rd post the falling when your falling alseep i get hell of alot n always have done, it sends my heart racing and then i dont fall back to sleep for hours, always triggers my anxiety off.. again its normal x