View Full Version : Anyone else have these strange bumps

Gemma T
08-08-11, 22:16
I have loads of bumps in the bottom of my lip, well the skin between my gums and lip. I have a big one on the right and other varying sizes. A somewhat biggish one on the left but not as big as the right. I can feel them when i i push and run my tongue against the inside of my lip. You cant see them if you open your mouth but can see some if you stretch it.

Im sure theyve always been there and am almost certain its normal anatomy. Ive vowed to ignore Dr google and was wondering if anyone else has these.

x x x

08-08-11, 22:23
Try this:


Read the other thread I link to from that one as well

Gemma T
08-08-11, 22:37
Thank you. Seems like Im right for a change.

Just asked my mum and she has them as well. Always felt like fatty tissue so I never worried until my obsession with oral cancer. Must stop seeking symptoms.

Thank you again

08-08-11, 22:41
Glad it helped Gemma