View Full Version : Brain tumour worry

08-08-11, 22:32
Hi I have a headache on one side of my forehead and dizziness. Could this be a brain tumour? I'm so worried, I am very tired tho.

Please reply
Love louise

Gemma T
08-08-11, 22:42
Sounds more like a migraine to me.

Headaches caused by tumours are called organic headaches and are not a common symptom of a brain tumour. Even though it makes sense that they would be they just aint.

I get migraines all the time. Their a pain but you should be able to sleep it off or try migraleve. They work wonders.

Love Gemma

09-08-11, 16:05
Hi Louise,

It could be a tension headache, a cluster headache or stress. Lots of things cause headaches (especially tiredness) & if you're feeling anxious about it that probably isn't helping.

Long soak in the bath & an early night should do the trick.
Try not to worry - I once had headaches for a month solid.

Emily xxx

09-08-11, 18:59
Hi Louise - I get one sided headaches too, it's scary sometimes. Like you, my first thought is tumour, followed by aneurism! I asked my doctor about a similar thing, I get a really sharp pain sort of on the "corner" of my forehead when I bend, strain, pull sometimes, and of course I thought it was a vein about to burst. She said muscle spasm. Why we panic so much, I don't know - but I still do it! Get lots of sleep and try to relax. Headaches are not symptoms of tumours! I've been told!
love, Rosekay

09-08-11, 19:00
ps I've had awful swirling feelings in the back of my head too, terrrifying because it feels so dramatic. I thinks it's due to positioning or something like that.

09-08-11, 19:20
best thing you can do is go to the doctor and get it checked. but try not to worry about as it just makes things worse.