View Full Version : Major panic! The News..

09-08-11, 01:18
Had a major panic of fast heart beating, really bad depersonalisation, thoughts over watching BBC news channel over this London thing. Terrified the world us going crazy. I felt I was having a nightmare or going mad. :ohmy:

Watching the news triggered a major unreality/mind blank spell and I felt I was crazy.

My tip is avoid the news but just wondered how many here got worried tonight by this?

09-08-11, 10:34
Hi Phil,

Glad i'm not the only one. Come 1:30am, i was still wide awake watching the news and Twitter - and even looking out of my window for trouble. (I live in between Leeds and Bradford - not near either City centre). I wish it didn't affect me the same way. It's good to talk about it. A colleague has just reminded me that they're after shops to loot (thieving), and not after peoples houses.

I am trying to stay away from the news, and plan on heading somewhere semi-rural to take my mind off things.

Take care Bro.


09-08-11, 13:11
Yes, me too Phil, so you are not alone.

I live in North West London and the rioting is drawing ever closer to here. Youths were apparently in my hometown last night inciting violence, though as yet, I think nothing has occurred.

I definitely feel a rise in my anxiety today after watching the news in the wee hours feeling quite scared by what was being shown. My racing heart is back today too.

I think you are right about avoiding the news. I think I have been following it too closely so am trying to get on with stuff in the house and watch something more gentle (like Jeremy Kyle, LOL:D)

Take care.x:hugs:

lucy devine
09-08-11, 13:18
my thoughts go out to you who are living by and anyone who are being affected by the riots.
I don't live nearby but I was up last night watching the news, panicing with a racing heart and unable to breathe thinking about how awful these attacks are. I had similar feelings of whether this is actually happening/ am i dreaming etc so you're not alone
take care and stay safe xxx

Gemma T
09-08-11, 13:48
TBH is was nice to think about something other then my health anx for a change

x x x

09-08-11, 14:05
your not in london ian your be ok
god bless

09-08-11, 14:57
Thoughts go out to all those affected by this chaos.

09-08-11, 18:32
Today I just feel utterly disgusted by what has gone on. :mad:

09-08-11, 18:48
It's very frightening and I think anyone watching it unfold live on TV last night would have been worried "What if" if kicks off locally. I'm sure most of the country is a little on edge at the moment.

09-08-11, 19:04
try not to worry about it to much, but I admit it is scary to see.

09-08-11, 19:47
:welcome:Are you the Nigel that used to come on here? He was a moderator too. It would be good to know where he is now? Welcome to NMP. EJ

12-08-11, 02:06
I stay in Scotland but I'm still getting anxiety over it.

Makes me sad, angry..all emotions. I end up glued to the news and it actually triggers off my depersonalisation. I keep thinking oh maybe he will be a trouble maker or she will be? I find it so annoying as it's normally wrong and all that emotion is not helping my anxiety recovery. It may not directly impact my life but shock, Morals and disgust come to my mind.

Will it pass? Anybody else feel this? I've let alot of bad things lay on my mind for months my mind goes into a trance and I get all this depersonalisation. :blush:

13-08-11, 18:34
:welcome:Are you the Nigel that used to come on here? He was a moderator too. It would be good to know where he is now? Welcome to NMP. EJ

sorry to say it but no I'm not the Nigel you speak of.
from what I have herd he has vanished of the forums,
hope he comes back in id like to meet him.