View Full Version : Major panic, woke up again, Sametime, please help!! :'(

09-08-11, 02:49
Hi ive woke up again at the same time with a racing heart, and im so scared, ive got really bad stomach pains and my throat is so sore i can't swallow. what is happening to mes! My heart won't slow down and im relaxing i feel like im going insane, this is destroying me! Please help! :'(

09-08-11, 03:04
Can you swallow water? Might be a dry throat, gargle some salt water or water with clove oil or drink hot water with lemon juice and a clove :)
Sounds like you might have woken up with a start which in turn caused your heart to race.
its all just anxiety, honest x you'll be ok :)

09-08-11, 03:25
Schedule an appt with a doctor....asap................

09-08-11, 07:45
when you see the gp today print of your post and take them then the gp can understand how bad things are for you and try and help asap

09-08-11, 10:37
Personally speaking from experience it sounds like your experiencing panic attacks! i'd get along to your gp and i agree print off your post, make sure you make it aware how your feeling x

09-08-11, 13:32
How are you feeling now? I woke up last night with a racing heart and a feeling that I couldn't breathe. Couldn't sleep after it happened kept worrying and jolting awake. I honestly think it's anxiety although I know how hard it is not to worry. Everything always seems worse at night. I'm seeing my doctor on Thursday. You should do the same, get an appointment and tell your doctor what's been happening. You'll be ok.