View Full Version : Im scared ive got swine flu.

09-08-11, 10:46
Hi, recently we had some foriegn exchanges over from hungary and im so scared they were carrying the virus. I feel head preaasured, sore throat, no sneezing or cougsh. Almost collapsed a few times. Extremely dizzy and feel sick. But i can still eat and drink. But i have practically gone deaf.

Im so scared.. Please help

09-08-11, 10:50

Influenza, or the flu, is a viral infection (http://www.soyouwanna.com/summer-flu-self-diagnosis-36742.html#), usually caused by influenza viruses A or B. Aches, chills, fever and a nagging cough (http://www.soyouwanna.com/summer-flu-self-diagnosis-36742.html#) can mean that you're coming down with the flu. Usually common during the winter months, the flu can strike at any time during the year, even during the summer. Here is a brief guide to help you determine whether you have a cold or a case of the summer flu.
Cold or Flu Symptoms?

Colds usually begin with a sore or scratchy throat, which usually goes away after a day or so. A cold rarely causes a fever, although a low-grade fever can be possible in adults.

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Flu Symptoms

The flu is usually characterized by a high fever, a bad headache and, in some cases, a dry, sore throat. The flu can also make you feel much more tired than usual.
Length of Summer Flu Symptoms

The symptoms (http://www.soyouwanna.com/summer-flu-self-diagnosis-36742.html#) of a cold usually disappear after several days. The symptoms of a case of the summer flu, however, may take up to two weeks to fully disappear.
Respiratory Symptoms

Unlike a cold, which usually causes watery nasal secretions, a case of the summer flu will usually not cause nasal congestion. The flu, however, can cause a hacking dry cough, which can last up to two weeks.

In rare cases, complications can develop from a case of the summer flu, such as ear infections or pneumonia (http://www.soyouwanna.com/summer-flu-self-diagnosis-36742.html#).

Ok so i know i shiouldnt have googled, but this confuses me.
It started with hay fever like symptoms, weaping eyes but no runny nose, then turned straight into a horrendous sore throat, almost numb because it was so sore. And i have a cough feeling in my throat but cant cough, and when i do it makes my head pressured. And then i dont have a blocked nose but only slight discharge from it. Itchy ears and pressure. im confused as to what this is? :( it started not yesterday but the day before in the evening. I had hay fever like symptoms once before and it never escalated into this.

09-08-11, 11:02
ive been getting such bad stomach pains, i woke up at 2.45am last night and didnt get to sleep until 5 am, just like the night before. I have had such bad stomach pains, all over my back and it hurts to move and everything. Ive been burping up sick, and phlem and its so horrible. someone please help. :(

09-08-11, 11:03
so scared

09-08-11, 11:05
Experts have warned that the surge in flu cases in Britain has still not yet peaked and say the number of cases will continue to rise rapidly over the next two to four weeks.
Figures released by the WHO show the rate of influenza-like illnesses is still low across continental Europe but has risen dramatically in Britain since the flu season began in October. The majority are swine flu cases.

There are currently 738 patients now receiving intensive care treatment for flu in the UK and at least 17 have required life support because their heart and lungs have failed.

The death toll from the virus now sits at 39, with 36 of the victims dying of the H1N1 swine flu virus.

It comes as the Government was forced to defend the country's level of preparedness against the flu outbreak

this is in january 2011 :(

09-08-11, 11:09
I don't mean to sound horrible, but i think your reading to much into it and to much google, my best advice to you is ring your gp now and speak with them and see them, there the best people to seek advice from not google, trust me its had to hit me right in the face for me to realize this x

09-08-11, 11:13
ok but i probably will have it, ive never had a cold this bad before. last time i had flu i was about 8 and it lasted a month. Thats why im so scareed. plus i dont want to end up dying or on life support. :(

09-08-11, 11:14
Duke - we cannot diagnose illnesses on here so please go and see you GP and get some proper medical advice and stop googling.

Hope you feel better soon.

09-08-11, 11:17
I didn't mean to sound harsh, but really the best place to go is your Gp or your nearest a&e department not google x

09-08-11, 11:40
You dont have swine flu, it is basically non existant now, the figures you have quoted were for normal flu in Jan, the middle of the winter when lots of people have flu !

Sounds more like you have a summer cold

09-08-11, 11:44
Thankyou mike thats really helped, i appreciate it, just hope it isjust aa cold. someone from work had one a couple of weeks ago so hoping its just that. Although the symptoms ive got are much worse than any cold ive had before. thankyou x

09-08-11, 11:48
what worries me is i havnt got a runny nose, so i must have the flu. :( i really dont want to die from it.

09-08-11, 11:52
You are not going to die from it trust me.

09-08-11, 11:54
your not going to die and im sure you dont have flu these symtoms are cos you are run down cos if constantky being on edge

go see your gp

09-08-11, 15:19
agreed, i had swine flu 2 years ago and spent a week in bed so if you had that duke you would not feel up to even switching on your computer i can promise you that!

Just to echo what everyone else has said really please stop googling it really isn't doing you any good at all and hopefully deep down you know that.

I think in future you should go to the doctors when you are worried about things such as this because as nicola said we cannot diagnose people on here, we are not doctors and are in no way qualified to tell anyone whats up with them.

I hope you feel better soon and chin up :yesyes:

Kayleigh x

09-08-11, 17:05
Ive just got back from my app with the doc, and she said that it wouldnt be swine flu or normal flu, but i dont know why im feeling so ill. Ive got a blood test next week to check my liver functions but thats ages away. I also have to do a stool sample, and i have been pescribed some meds for my stomach.

Im so scared because of all my worrying my body isnt going to be able to fight off this infection / virus. My immune system is shutting down. I don't want to end up on life support with lungs and heart shutting down. I am so upset and confused. Im scared to go to sleep, and then if i dont sleep my immune system will fail. I just want to be better, i can't hear anything and ive got a vile taste of phlem, my temp is about 37.16 and im having horrific dizzy spells and back pain.

I am majorly depressed, i keep feeling things running down the back of my throat what if its coming from my brain. Im so scared ive got something seriously wrong. I just got back from docs and im still feeling like this. Im so sorry really i am. :(

09-08-11, 17:36
Your immune system won't just fail like that and you are not dying and you will not end up on a life support machine.

Did you take the print-outs of all your threads on here to the doc like we suggested?

If the doctor can't reassure you then we have no chance at all to be honest.

09-08-11, 19:26
you feel ill cos your stressed and run down due to adrealin

you not going to die but you need help with this anixety did you tell the gp how your thinking and feeling?
as your not going to feel better till you get help

09-08-11, 19:36
your making yourself worried for no reason and that's going to make it worse.
try and relax, the chances of getting swine flue are slim.

10-08-11, 09:24
thats a good idea printing off your threads from here and showing the dr, would give him/her some indication of exactly how you are feeling and thinking.