View Full Version : I cured myself and you can too!!

09-08-11, 14:25
Hello everyone, im Zoe im 24 from the uk and i havent been on this website for about 3 years.... but i got an email the other day saying i had got a pvt msg, and it reminded me of how helpful this site was to me when i first started having the dreaded panic attacks. several times i ended up in hospital convinced i was having a heart attack, worst feeling in the world, and i went to the doctors and they offered me betablockers, i decided then and there that i didnt want the medication as i had read on here so many times that u rely on the them and then once you stop taking them, you just go back to what you were anyways, also i didnt really fancy anything messing with my heart when i was already convinced that it was dicky!!! however i found a simple cure.. and it may sound a little daft to some people prehaps but it worked for me and im pretty sure it can help you too!! since panic attacks are mainly mental, i decided i needed something to distract my mind from taking the panic to the high levels it used to get to, so wheneva i felt it coming on, or started to feel my pulse increasing, this was mainly at bedtime, i would use a PUZZLE BOOK, at first it can be hard to concentrate but after about 10 mins and becoming compleatly distracted my pulse would start tto settlle and the panic start to fade, i would do the puzzles untill i had calmed dowwn and theen i could sleep, i had a massive pile of puzzle books after a few months but it really did help me so much, and id love to know if it helps you aswell, just give it ago!! its risk free, dusnt mess with your mind or heart and as a bonus gives your brain a good work out :blush: let me know how you get on if you try this, but perceiver with it!!! also... one other tip.... i used to put my fingers on my wrist to check my pulse all the time, especialy in bed and id do it for ages,.... DO NOT DO THIS , ALLO IT DOES IS MAKE IT WORSE, AND INCREASES YOUR PULSE!!! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE BATTLEING PANIC, I HOPE YOU ALL GET OVER IT, I HAVE NOW NOT HAD AN ATTACK IN OVER 3 YEARS, AND ALL THANKS TO MY PUZZLE BOOKS HELPING ME REALISE IT WAS ACTUALLY ME MAKING THE PANIC WORSE... XXX REPLYS WELCOME!!!!! :bighug1::bighug1:XXXX:bighug1:

Vanilla Sky
09-08-11, 14:41
Well done , So glad you are well , its inspiring to hear :)

Paige xx

09-08-11, 15:49
That's great news Zoe, well done.
You should be so proud of yourself...off to the newsagents I go....

Emily xxx

09-08-11, 19:57
That's great news Zoe, well done.
You should be so proud of yourself...off to the newsagents I go....

Emily xxx

let me know how it goes for you emily!!! :) xxxxx

Hazel B
09-08-11, 21:27
Thanks for posting, I love success stories!:)

09-08-11, 21:27
I think you have to try anything to distract yourself. Mine is creating stuff. Things that help are sewing, patchwork, mundane but creative things is good for the soul I find. Also the things I make are saleable and my kids need some money so I am helping them. Helping people is also good for the soul :)

09-08-11, 22:30
Puzzle books are all that are keeping me going at the moment, it's a great distraction :)

11-08-11, 14:00
I internet shop currently to distract myself. I have way too many shoes & my bank account hurts so will def take up the crossword thing lol! x

11-08-11, 23:49
Thats great Zoe, congrats on finding your personal, drug free cure!

I personally never had panic attacks at home, its only when I feel like I'm trapped somewhere or I'll have a dificult time getting out, the worst of all is when I'm on class or stuck at traffic. I can't find anything to focus on in these two circumstances. I wish I could concentrate on what my teachers are talking about to take my mind off it, that'd be a double bonus! :)

Anyway, cheers to you and thank you for taking the time to share even thought you dont get anything out of it for yourself - thats very kind of you, not many ppl like that nowadays I think.