View Full Version : I googled

Gemma T
09-08-11, 14:43
I have a translucent white area on the side of my tongue and im convinced its leukoplakia.

I asked my doc to check and he literally could not see what i was talking about. My sis reckons its a diff shade of pink but im adamant its a translucent white.

Dr google obviously confirmed this for me.


Anyone know much about this?

Thanks x x x

09-08-11, 14:49
I would trust a real doctor and not Google to be honest Gemma

Gemma T
09-08-11, 14:58
Your right. Im torturing myself again for nothing. Ive had mouth problems since oct now and although my gps are convinced its my low b12 and folic acid i have my doubts. I used to work in clinical neg and the paralegal was a cancer nurse who took pleasure in scaring people. And it worked. I have seen the dentist and he said he will refer me if i dont get better but cant work out what is going on either. I asked if its any concern and he said not at the moment so for the past two months ive insisted on torturing myself and my gp.

Im going to the dentist wed so hopefully he'll say its nothing or just refer me.

The battle in the mind is so difficult.

Thank you for your support x x x

09-08-11, 15:00
Dr Google is a scare monger and your real Dr has actually seen your tongue. I think you must trust what he told you and resist the compulsion to consult Dr Google.

09-08-11, 15:03

Most of the time tongue patches are due to being under the weather and run down/lacking in vitamins/minerals, nothing more.

I am always getting funny patches on my tongue and have done for years - big pink patches that come and go again, and have never amounted to anything.

Try not to worry. I am sure it will just resolve itself.xxxx:bighug1:

09-08-11, 15:56
Nooooooo....never ever consult Dr Google!!!! It makes you worse.
Like others have said it's prob a vitamin deficiency. Get some supplements & see if it clears up.

Emily xxx

Gemma T
10-08-11, 12:01
Thank you everyone. Its just a host of probs dating back to oct now. I was a smoker and gave up 7 weeks ago.

Despite seeing the dentist and numerous doctors none of them even mentioned me giving up smoking. I asked one gp if its smoke related and he said no. Im certain that if any of them had cancer doubts it would be the first thing they tell me to do.

I have a small bump on the roof of my mouth now and its been there since sat. Not discoloured and some discomfort if i contninue poking and prodding. Im convinced its cancerous or a tumour. It wouldnt even phase me had i not been going through this so long.

I do have low b12 and folic acid. Ive been taking tablets for these for nearly 3 months now.

I have suffered with ha in the past and know how it works so i can easily dismiss sensations, be it pain, burning, soreness, over sensitive.

What I cant ignore is the lumps and bumps and skin discolouration. I wish i can blame the anxiety for that too.

Im sure its probaly an infection. I have ran myself so down lately ive also had tonsillitus. Wouldnt surpise me if ive done this myself.

Ive also lost my appetite of late and read the salia glands can become blovked when not eating regularly and cause swelling. This makes alot of sense to me.

Thank you again everyone. Im seeing the dentist wed so will update everyone on what he says.


10-08-11, 12:58
Geographic tongue?

Gemma T
10-08-11, 13:07
My doc has ruled that out before. He also said the tongue sheds skin all the time so any discolouration could be due to new skin x x x

10-08-11, 13:37
"He also said the tongue sheds skin all the time so any discolouration could be due to new skin."

That sounds like geographic tongue? My dentist and doctor couldn't diagnose mine. I had to see a oral specialist to confirm i had it.

10-08-11, 14:17
Cant offer any advice only stay away from that dr google - thanks to him i convinced myself i have cancer. Hugs xx

Gemma T
10-08-11, 16:20
I think i will ask to a see a specilist when i see the dentist next week and askif he thinks its geographic tongue.

Ive looked at the pics of this but mine is nothing like it. Symptoms dont really fit right either. Still might be a mild case.

Its a small patch at the side but kind of underneath. Looks like a film or something. bit pinky and a bit white.

Thank you for your reasurrance

10-08-11, 16:25
Apparently there are links to geographic tongue and stress/anxiety. I picked it up not long after my anxiety's started. When i have bad days i get really bad flare ups on the sides of my tongue.

Gemma T
10-08-11, 16:29
I was experiencing the burning, soreness on my lips and tongue. Seems to have subsided just irratating with spicy food.

I read that as well.

When i google i do look at things other then cancer but i always boil back down to the worst case senario. my dentist appointment is next wed and seems like a mile away but should be here before i know it. Im also on the waiting list for cbt so hopefully this will all be over soon x x x