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View Full Version : chest pain and pins and needles

09-08-11, 16:13
Hi all

I have had a good few months with no panic attacks then out of the blue last week I think they have started again. I feel like I have a band round my chest chest pain all the time it never goes away. And when I lie on my right side I get pins and needles in my left arm and hand and if I lie on my left side I get pins and needles in my right hand and arm its like my heart cant pump blood to it. I went to A and E yesterday thinking it was a heart attack and E.c.g come back fine should I still be worried or just try and for get about it I am going out of my mind :-( :-( :-(

09-08-11, 18:50
That's a pretty common sensation for me. Sometimes it's there constantly and other times it'll hit me out of the blue for no apparent reason. What makes it worse for me is that the pins and needles are only in the left arm!

If the ECG came back fine then just do your best to tell yourself it's true.

It'll eventually go away.

09-08-11, 18:58
I went through this as well, along with a shortness of breath. The first time, I went RIGHT to the emergency room, and they pretty much poo pooed me, after a couple quick checks.

They can see panic and anxiety a mile away, and now it doesnt bother me, even when I am symptomatic. I get both of those symptoms from my anxiety, and have sine my early 20s (I am 40 now) and it has yet to turn out to be something serious.

09-08-11, 19:13
I had something like this 3 days ago when i was on a day trip out, i had the pins and needils in the face and arms, but I did not get the chest pains. but i have experienced chest pain before becouse of my anxiety and at the time I thought I was having a heart attack ( seriously scary ) but nothing bad happnd it passed after 3 hours.

09-08-11, 19:54
You know you should try and forget about it but it is easier said than done isn't it? Try to see this as a little blip in your recovery rather than that you are back to having panic attacks. I know what you are going through. Any pain in chest area however slight is enough to set me off!!

09-08-11, 20:44
it will be tension anixety and adrenalin all moixed together try doing some relaxtion having a warm bath x

26-11-12, 11:02
Hi there
i have this chest pain from last one week which comes and goes... and feel bit of pain at scapular area and arms. the pain is not more than 2 out of 10 but went to A&E twice. and got my ecg and bloods done x2. everything came just fine. have been given medicene for acid reflux for 2 weeks but just wondering .do i stil need to get scared???