View Full Version : So...question about skull shape...

09-08-11, 17:42
So, I have had a rough week stress wise. In reaction to that, I got a few open, weeking sores from what I expect is exzema, but oddly, those dont worry me.

What did worry me, was that as I self checked my head, I realized the lump of skull behind my right ear feels pronounced than the same bump behind my left ear. My question for you guys, are you all symmetrical or does one side seem larger than the other, or slightly differently shaped.

I am in a mild state of freaking out and cannot stop obsessively feeling the damn thing, which isnt making the other stress in my life any easier.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. Feels good just to type it out here, and helps me realize I am being silly, but its just that in my 40 years of life, I have never noticed the difference in size. Hypochondriacs like me don't like it when things in pairs don't match. ;-)