View Full Version : Will the real 'Nigel' please step foward

09-08-11, 19:56
I'm sorry to bore you all but have I missed something? Nigel's name has disappeared from the names of staff. Does this mean he has left NMP? His answers and contributions made a strong impact on myself and to others too. It would be good to know what has become of him? It seems very strange that someone can disappear from the forum and then from the staff list? Has there already been an annoucement that I have missed. EJ

09-08-11, 20:03

Sorry but none of us have heard from Nigel for so long now. Nicola had tried to contact him but to no avail.

There was no point in leaving his name on the list as people could be pm'ing him with queries and would recieve no reply so we thought it best to remove his name for the time being.


09-08-11, 20:13
We really miss Nigel but he was quite a private person so I do not even have a phone number to contact him on EJ and he hasn't been on since January.

I only removed his name recently when I added Emms and Mike to the list and like Lisa said we ask people to contact admins if they need anything and Nigel would not be here to reply.

If we find Nigel he is more than welcome to come back as an admin again.

09-08-11, 20:27
Thank you Lisa and Nicola for your replies. I was thinking something bad had happened to him. I guess we will never reallly know unless he contacts one of you? I shall let the matter drop. It has been difficult as my husband shares the same name and new members are joining and using the same name. It is difficult I guess a loss to the forum. I always wonder that our Nigel decided that he had a job to do on the forum and when this was complete he left. EJ

09-08-11, 20:34
What a shame.

I hope he is ok.x:unsure:

09-08-11, 20:42
Awwww EJ :hugs:

If we hear anything at all hun,we will let you know.


09-08-11, 21:05
I know my name is Nigel but I'm sure I'm not the one you were talking about.

09-08-11, 21:17
Sorry Nigel welcome to the forum. You'll do just fine with all of us. EJ

09-08-11, 21:19
EJ - I really do hope he is ok. I have contacted everyone on Facebook that knew Nigel and no-one has a phone number for him.

Maybe he will come back one day

09-08-11, 21:26
Sorry Nigel

Elizabeth is talking about one of our administrators who we havent spoken to for some time.

Welcome along to the site :D


10-08-11, 07:17
I'm just gonna think happy thoughts and imagine that he has found his Utopia and is sitting in a lounge with his extremely attractive new partner sipping on some tropical drink with no hint of anxiety! Might even add to the fanciful thought that he won the lottery, never has to worry about money again, and is blissfully happy!!!!

10-08-11, 07:18
Oh and just an FYI...
If that happened to me........ it would be a while before anyone heard from me too!