View Full Version : A little worried

09-08-11, 21:50
Does anyone else feel really ill all the time.. like exhausted, tired, my stomach feels bloated and it feels harder to breathe, im a lil worried something serious is wrong wit me.. im all shakey and keep getting real cold all of a sudden then it goes away and im warm again.. i was out doing my grocery shop earlier and i was walking home and i just felt so energyless, like i was gonna jus fall over and die or something, every step home i was like god i cant make it home, i cant take one more step.. but i pushed myself.. now all my muscles ache and i jus worried im dying of some deadly illness or something.. i have no energy to even keep my head up lol.. my eyes keep dropping.. im completely exhausted.. yet i havent done that much.. i want a cuddle :(

09-08-11, 22:06
I have felt like this in the past. Muscle ache all over (as if you're getting the flu), no energy all of a sudden, cold/hot... It sounds like classic anxiety to me. I don't know how, but it got better for me all of a sudden. Only to be replaced with other crazy symptoms, but the tiredness is gone as well as that nasty muscle ache. It does come back every now and then, but it always goes away.

Don't worry, you'll be fine (easier said then done, I know) :hugs: Trying to do something fun for you might help distract you from what you're feeling. It helps me sometimes.

09-08-11, 22:41
this is identical to what i have! i also feel hot and cold, weak, cant eat or drink, stomach pains, and extremely dizzy. Your not alone on this. Pm me if you ever want to talk about this. xx

09-08-11, 22:46
I am tired all the time and lethargic as well, all day. I have had blood tests back in April and they came back clear, so i put it down to stress. i get a bloated stomach as well. It seems to be all anxiety related, also anxiousness i get cold as well..you are not alone!
Also the exhaustion is the worst thing its like i have no motivation for anything.
I wonder if your just simply depressed, it maybe that all the worry that you have had has simply worn you out completely!!
But you are not alone:hugs:

10-08-11, 02:37
Thank you everyone, that puts my mind at rest a little bit, and yes haynsey i am suffering with depression and anxiety.. and yeh it feels like ur getting the flu really bad, its strange. Im having a hot flush now, god its never ending, thank u all for ur replys, its horrible because u get these feelings and u automatically think god im gonna just die!! I'm only 23 and getting married in 4 weeks, i dont need this :( xx