View Full Version : Pain below ribs - getting worse?

09-08-11, 22:01
Last week I went to my GP because of some intermittent pain below my lower right ribs I had for the past couple of months. It seems to be mainly in the same place, but it can travel to the left as well.
My GP asked me questions and palpated my abdomen, and apparently the pain is where the large colon bends. He couldn't feel any abnormalities in my abdomen, liver couldn't be felt (which is good, I guess), and was thinking about IBS (since I sometimes cannot go for a couple of days - sorry if it is tmi). He prescribed me with a laxative, and told me I should try to eat more fibres. I am hesitant to take the laxative since I have heard it can make the intestines "lazy". I have taken it once, and it does make my stools softer, and I could even go to the bathroom for two days in a row. He said that an ultrasound most likely wouldn't show any abnormalities, so for now he doesn't order one. I have to go back in a month to see if the pain is better.

The pain below my ribs became less when I made the doctor's appointment. Today it returned again. It was worst during and after dinner, with a rather burning pain that felt like stomach pain except to the right. Could this be gas pain? I don't know what gas pain feels like. It subsided after a while and now the pain is almost gone. It was quite scary and I almost got into panic mode.

GP also took some bloods since I asked about checking my B12 levels (they were too low last year). He also checked my hb and folic acid levels. Monday I had the results and my hb was good (so no anemia :)), B12 was also within normal range, except my folic acid level was low.

Yesterday I had another scare as my throat started to ache again on the right side. It's not my tonsils since they look normal when I checked in the mirror. Now it has subsided again. I had the same thing a couple of weeks ago.
My mind is going in overdrive again, thinking: what if it is throat cancer. Or what if the pain below my ribs is because I have lymphoma in my abdomen and it has spread to my throat... Crazy thoughts but I cannot seem to get it out of my head.

I haven't told my GP about the throat ache since I didn't have it at the time. I told him that I worry quickly and that the first thing that always comes to my mind is cancer, a fear I have had since my mom died of lung cancer with bone metastases three years ago. He said that he's not worried about that at all.

Sorry for the long story, I am looking for some reassurance and a listening ear..

10-08-11, 10:13
hi i aslo get pain below my right ribs and when i went to the doctor a few months ago as was worried he seemed to think everything was ok and checked my liver and gallbladder and said problably ibs related as i suffer with that. I too don't know what gas pain feels like but assume it is the pain that i have.

24-08-11, 14:08
hi, your post sounds exactly like what iv been suffering with. Iv had this pain/ache in my upper right abdomen for almost 3 months, its been freaking me out iv seen every gp in the surgery, had bloods done and abdominal ultrasound and all came back normal. It scares me because the ache is still there after all this time but i must admit from the minute i wake up to the minute i go to bed im constantly thinking about it which definatly makes it worse.