View Full Version : Hi, I'm Rachel

10-08-11, 00:37
I've been looking at this website for a while now and found the information very helpful. I haven't always been an anxious person, my boss at work bullied me and it's all pretty much stemmed from that. Driving, sleeping and making new friends is a challenge. So, hi!

10-08-11, 00:38

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-08-11, 01:13
Thank you:)

10-08-11, 02:10
Hi Rachel,
My boss was like that too. I know it's hard not to take things personally sometimes but please try to either ignore certain remarks or say to yourself; it's that person's problem, not mine. I wish you well.

10-08-11, 05:37
Hi, thank you for commenting. It's hard as she'd yell at me in front of other co workers and constumers and I feel extremely belittled everytime she does it. I've lost all confidence in myself due to it, I've went to my managers about her as she's only a shift leader and one of them fancy her (it would seem) as he always takes her side and she gets away with murder. When I was off work with stress, my back to work meeting was with a higher member at work and I asked for a shift change and they wouldn't give me one, it stresses me out coming to work, I would look for other work but with the recession and what not it's hard, sorry for ranting on

10-08-11, 12:18
Hello Rachel,

I have had exactly the same issues with previous jobs and now my current job. I lose friends very easily and its awful :( I find it very hard 2 trust people now. I am 25 years old and since a little girl I can remember being depressed. I am on Prozac right now as I was on Citroplam before but I had to upped to stronger dose. I didnt like Citroplam as I didnt feel they helped me enough but Prozac are better. I started anti depressants in xmas 2009 but before then every xmas I had death thoughts of going to bed and never waking up. My current job ive had to shorten my hours as I can cope with long hours. I seem to be losing this battle though as my boss seems 2 put on these 8hours shifts and tbf I can stand the place.
I thought id let off some steam
hope your ok xxx

10-08-11, 13:57
Hi Rachel,

Welcome to the site, you've come to the right place!

Emily xxx

10-08-11, 15:32
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


11-08-11, 00:11
Hi friendlybrunette1986, I understand what you are going through, it's awful. I do 4 8 hour shifts and overtime due to the fact if you say no they guilt trip you and always say 'don't expect any favours' I can't stand the place, but I live in a small town in northern Ireland, I would go further out for jobs but the thought of driving a certain distance everyday makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable. I hope your situation gets better, no one deserves to be treated like that. I'm on citalopram myself, but I keep trying to get off them because they didn't feel like they were having any effect. I was given diazipam also, but don't want to start becoming reliant on them. I think I'll go back to my GP and talk to her about other options, it feels like sometimes she's just fobbing me off, everytime I go, just talking abou stuff helps, but I feel like I'm complaining to much or she's too busy to listen. I've tried speaking to my fiancé about it too and he's great with it, but things I worry about he sees as stupid and doesn't have time to sit and talk to me about it. I wouldn't expect him to either, like you I haven't many friends, but the ones I do have never have time to listen. Between them working, me working and their problems, I just feel like I have to deal with this myself because i shouldn't be of loading my problems onto others. Sorry for going on