View Full Version : stopping meds

10-08-11, 00:55
my doctor prescribed me with citalpram and I stopped taking them because I felt ok, Im feeling worse than ever and scared of starting again after already having stopped taking them.

10-08-11, 00:58
You cannot just stop them suddenly if you have been on them long term.

You have to cut down very very slowly and yes you will feel worse

10-08-11, 08:51
There is no problem starting the pills again, it's even recommended if you've stopped them 'cold turkey'. Then you have to take them another month or two (if you have recovered really) and then slowly down the dose for another several weeks. I myself stopped taking citalopram 'cold turkey' once but felt no side effects or something (maybe i've too much experience with it, unfortunately) but everyone's different...

10-08-11, 10:29
thanks for your help