View Full Version : Is anyone else scared to sleep?

07-05-06, 13:58

Im not having a good day, have avoided dashing to hospital or to my mums and am working hard on my thoughts and am now feeling exhausted - Have panicked myself out! My problem is even though Im so so tired I cant let myself go to sleep, I lie down start to nod off then sit bolt upright and feel im slipping away, any tips on how to sleep please? Have tried relaxation CD's, reading, music and just cant stop this, my symptoms are strong and want to just sleep them off


Wendy x

07-05-06, 16:44
Hi Wendy

I know exactly what you mean ! When my panic is bad which is usually during the day when I am at honme a,one I feel like I just want to sleep through it to but am unable to get to sleep. I usually find a drive in the car will relax me or I go out to see my mum or somewhere where I feel more relaxed and then try to have a nap there.

Good luck x

07-05-06, 17:53
I have problems along these lines. Every time I feel myself drift off, I get a very big adrenalin kick and I'm back to square one.. That is if I feel particularly bad. I have even had periods where I have paniced myself about sleep in itself (what if syndrome): What if I never go to sleep again. I always tell myself that I will go to sleep in the end, even if my mind is stopping me. There are lots of things to try: meditation, a good book just before sleep (can even give you something else to think about), lots of activity during the day, exercise and even a bowl of cereal can sooth you just before sleep.

07-05-06, 20:41
Hi Wendy

I have the same problem, can't ever switch off, and I do fear going to sleep also.
You're not alone.


*** Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.***

07-05-06, 21:09
Hi Wendy, I was just the same - my first PA was in the middle of the night at christmas - it really scared me and made me scared to sleep for about 2 months. I now don't mind going to bed and fall asleep but still wake up every 2 hours or so through the night. I stopped being scared once I accepted my symptoms and realised they were 'just' anxiety! I found listening to relaxing music helped - though that was hard at first as I found it impossible to relax. Stick with it and things will improve. I think sometimes the more we want to sleep the harder it is.
Love Helen