View Full Version : reasurrance needed asap

10-08-11, 03:50
About 45 mins ago I woke up I felt like I wore brethin propa had like a a burning discomfort in my chest/throat :( I feel very shakey now and still keep goin numb now and again in my one arm I'm really scared I don't wna have a sdtroke or die my legs keep goin pins and needles aswell is all this normal???? :(:(:(:(:(

10-08-11, 12:50
Judging from this and your other post you seem like you're having a really bad anxiety period :( I get all these things on and off all day sometimes they last all day, it can be terrifying.

Gemma T
10-08-11, 13:11
Sounds like acid reflux, a gastric problem, one of the many effects of anxiety

Happens to me when i drink jd and having bad anxiety x x x

10-08-11, 14:32
Its soi horrible I feel terrible! :( hardly any sleep aswell so I'm not goiung to die? Sorry if I sound daft just scared xx

10-08-11, 16:14
every book you read tels you not to be scared of panic learn from it grab it go towards it dont listen to any one who says it is terrefying its not learn from it no bull shi* it wont kill you so what are you scared of read the book in the no panick shop on nerves and i bet you will be on the mend by the time your at page 30 :)

10-08-11, 16:50
Couldn't have said it better than scrog.
All your symptoms will subside once you stop being scared of them. Let it pass over you....

Emily xxx

11-08-11, 13:50
I'm gonna do what scrog said!!! Hope it works for me!!
But in a way when I've been in a shocking state of panic, nothing what I do or anyone says sinks in, I'm like in a bubble it's hard to have the power and mental ability to control such things and remain calm and rational.

Sometimes before we can tackle a problem first we need to just go with it, ride the wave THEN when we regain a moment of calm and hopefully rational, learn about and confront the problem by reading books etc.

Gaining confidence and a positive mental attitude from within , is key, I think!

Takecare :)

13-08-11, 18:16
HI, I certainly hope you're feeling better by now!! But, I've had what you described, a number of times, and it IS very scary! It could be GERD, brought on by anxiety, or just plain old anxiety! It's hard to get a hold on it, when it's at that point though, I know.
I've tried talking to myself when it gets that bad, sometiems it works, sometimes it doesn't. I do hope you're alright now .... (do you take anything for the anxiety? xanax, perhaps...it really does help!)

13-08-11, 18:47
Ive just got given citalopram and im to scared to take it its only 10mg aswell :( never gonna get better at this rate xx

13-08-11, 19:37
It could be something as simple as heartburn or acid, and the pins which has brought on a panic attack, if you are worried, contact a doctor, or get any unusual pain

13-08-11, 19:47
all very normal symptoms of panic attacks. Keep the faith. You will learn to make them go away. You are not going to have a stroke or heart attack.

Find out where the major nerves are in you body and you will see why the symptoms appear in those places. Your body is telling you its stressed/or producing too much fight or flight chemicals and you are reacting. The tension/stress has to be released somehow and if you dont exercise enough to release it - it will manifest as tingles and electric shock feelings , pains, throbbing and all sorts of feelings.

The key to it all is your brain - how to accept what`s happening and take control. Not easy as all here know - but it can be done. keep posting and reading here and you will get a lot of help.

There are tons of very helpful and informative posts and articles from fellow sufferers.