View Full Version : Advance warning ;)

10-08-11, 10:53

As from 5th Sept I wont be online as much, as I will at college doing animal management! YAY!

I leave my job in 2 weeks time, I have 11 work days left at work :( Although the problems here I will still miss it. But I will doing voluntary work on a friday here to contiune with the accounts and invoiceing as my boss will mess it up like it was before I was here!!!!!!!!!! Took 8 months to sort out the accounts becasue the previous person couldnt be bothered with it. Bills werent paid that totalled thousands!!!!! :shrug: So I cant let that happen again.

Will be at college 3 days a week and one day a week at a vets. Yay!

This is a huge step for me as I havent been near a college in 4 years due to fears. and just doing this will prove I can do it!

plus in 10 weeks today .............. I will taking a 6 hours car journey to London..... then a 25 hour flight and a 2 hour flight to get to South Africa! Ekkkkkkkkkk :wtf1: Ive never flown before and I have agreed to do this - why choose a long flight as my first time! I will be helping in a Orphanage that I am a trustee off but also working in a game reserve! :ohmy: Where I will be staying and apperantly the lions, cheetahs and all the animals they have like to share beds!!!!! :cloud9: I MIGHT come home with something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :busted:
I will be going for 2 weeks including travelling. :doh: then its 6 hours back. I am going with a friend and they cant access internet out there :weep:

I think I am going mad...........................................!

Someone help me!!!!! :wall::wall::wall::wall:


Gemma T
10-08-11, 12:54
Dont go mad be excited.

Youve basically made my life look meaningless lol.

Im so excited for you. Maybe this is what you need to find who you are. Its a magnificent opportuinty. Dont let your anxieties get in the way of this.

x x x