View Full Version : panic attacks

07-05-06, 16:47
hi i have just had a really bad panic attack it started last night i got up from talking on the phone and my legs went really week worried a bit about this then this morning had a lay in got up and my legs felt strange had palpitaions so took half anenelol (beta blocker ) but pals got faster and faster i tried to fight it then i got scared thought i was going to pass out was shaking all over its been over 2weeks since i had any pals ive even managed last week to go and do a few hours work each day really thought i was on the way up [8)] know i feel so sad and angery that it has come back i was going to work 2morrow but now i want to hide away please any good advice anyone iwas sooo proud of myself lorraine

07-05-06, 16:57
hi lolly.. i know panic attacks are very scary and when you have been doing so good and they come back you get so angry even depressed im going thru that now but its just a set back and dont let it beat you..it will pass if you keep on going i just stayed in but did go to work struggled but by me stayin in just made it harder for me to get it passed me again so i wish you luck on this.this shall pass...........Linda

07-05-06, 18:37
Hi Lolly

How are you feeling now? Hope you are feeling better. Yes I have had this happen to me, being panic attack free for ages then out of the blue -a bad attack !
It does make you feel angry and frustrated and makes you feel like your taking one step forward but two steps back. But hang on in there you will get there eventually. I would also debate with myself shall I go to work today or shall I ring in sick. In the end I would just go to work and say to myself - just do it Woman! I have not had a panic attack for a few years now but when I was really bad I thought I would never get over them but I have. Remember fear fuels fear.
What I do now if I feel anxious and feel everything is getting too much, I go for a walk and practise my breathing exercises. I go outside as much as possible as I know if I stay indoors I will just sit down and brood. I hope this has been of help to you, and don't think of this as a set back. Rome wasn't built in a day - it will take time.
Take care.

08-05-06, 10:23
Hi Lolly

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

08-05-06, 18:58
Hey Lolly,

Welcome to this fantastic website.

So sorry to hear that you are feeling a bit off at the moment.

One thing to remember about panic attacks is that they survive on fear. You were scared because your legs went to jelly and you felt palpitations.

If you knew the reason as to why your legs we unsteady, you wouldn't have felt fear and started to breath more rapidly. Because that seems to be what has happened. You didn't understand what was happening to your body so your mind went on overdrive and clicked into your negative thinking, bringing your heart rate up and making your breathing more shallow.

This is just a very short hiccup, Lolly. If you know that you have been worse than this in the past, then you are already on the road to recovery.

Don't put yourself down by feeling sad and angry. You have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Perhaps not having a panic attack for a while, you may have forgotten how to handle one in your normal way thus your negative thinking has had a field day.

I'm no expert by any means Lolly, but, what I will say is GO TO WORK tomorrow. Keep your mind active, keep your day active. If you stay at home you will just have time on your hands and your mind, giving it free will to wander whereever.

Believe me, you will spend the whole day just wandering what made your legs turn to jelly, will it happen again etc, etc, etc. Fuel, fuel, fuel.

Try to put a rational explanation to your physical symptoms Lolly. Perhaps once you finished on the telephone you stood up too quickly and you felt a little dizzy. This happens.

Perhaps you were sitting in one position for too long and your legs went to sleep, then when you stood up, they felt a bit weird.

I personally believe that once you put an explanation to your body sensations, the panic has no where to start, because once you know the answer to something, there really is nothing to fear.

You become fearful because you don't know what is happening to you, this makes you breath quickly, this makes you dizzy and you feel faint. All this just because you didn't breath right. So many of us don't breath correctly, but once you practice some breathing exercises, they really will help you.

You should be extremely proud of yourself beacuse you have lived to tell the tale. You have a job to go to, you have a purpose for your day. Keep this a constant because, believe me, once you give in to your fear, it can be very difficult to come back to where you are now.

SO, tomorrow go to work and enjoy your day. Don't give what has happened to you any more thought. THIS IS IN THE PAST AND IT'S HAPPENED.

Remember to give every symptom of your body a reason and breath normally.

I hope this helps Lolly. LIke I said, I am not expert, but if I can share my experiences with people and they help for at least a few seconds, then that is just fine with me.

Best wishes.

Feel free to PM me at anytime if you like. I'm always around.

Jackie xx

If the opportunity doesn't knock .... build a door.

09-05-06, 15:12
Welcome to the site Lolly!

You will get loads of support and make friends here - there is a great bunch of people around:D

Look forward to seeing you on the boards!!


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

09-05-06, 20:44
Well done Lorraine, you should be proud of yourself hun! You have done really really well! We all know exactly how you feel.........panic attacks have got to be one of the most awful feelings in the world. BUt you have come through it, look how well you have done. It didn't beat you!!

None of us are going to be cured over night, but with the help of each other, I reckon we are on the way up! Keep up the good work..........pm me anytime if you want to chat.

Lyla xx