View Full Version : Worse Day Ever

10-08-11, 12:32
I am having such a bad day! I am sat in front of my computer googling like it's going out of fashion and I know I shouldn't!

I am absolutely convinced I have MS or MND. I have had twitching in my legs for a couple of weeks now and I also have problems with my tongue and feel as if I am slurring my speech. No-one around me notices it, but I just feel like my tongue won't work properly! I also suffer from reflux and need to clear my throat and cough all the time.

I freaked out and saw my doctor a 3 weeks ago and he did some bloods and one came back that I have a mild B12/Folate Serum deficiency and need a re-test in 6 months.

I have read that B12 deficiency can mimic MS symptoms, but I am not satisfied with this and I am sitting here beyond stressed.

My jaw and mouth so tense. I suffer from TMJ from constant grinding, could this cause the slurred speech and sore tongue?

My heart is racing and I can't concentrate on anything else at the moment.

Sorry to rant, I just need someone to talk to.


Gemma T
10-08-11, 12:48
All your symptoms are symptoms of anxiety and b12 and folic deficiences.

I too have them. Mine mainly affects my mouth. So tongue swelling, soreness, burning. I too get the twitching. Sometimes in my but cheek which is odd coz i dont exercise lol

As for the slurred speach and that. I also get that. Read the symptoms section to left and you will see every symptom you have mentioned and an explanation as to why your body reacts in that way x x x

10-08-11, 13:06
Oh Gemma, thank you so much for your reply. I am so stressed out worrying I have MND. A friend of mine has been diagnosed recently so it is in my mind and is such a horrific illness.

I seem to slurred my S's which is odd. Nothing else. I just feel so distracted and not with it as I am constantly worrying.

Do you take any medication for your problems?


Gemma T
10-08-11, 13:10
Sorry to hear about your firend.

No i just ride it out. Its not the symptoms i cant handle to be honest its the thoughts. Im not aware of any pills that stop us thinking otherwise ill have a massive stock of them lol

You'll be just fine x x x

10-08-11, 17:31
Because my friend has been diagnosed with MND I have been googling more than ever and I am convinced I have the symptoms. My latest is that for about 7 years on and off I have had excessive thick and sticky saliva at night. It's not all the time, but it wakes me up coughing. I have GERD and I am constantly congested so could it be that?

Apparently MND suffers have this, so I am sitting her completely beside myself!

Thanks everyone. xx

Gemma T
11-08-11, 12:25
My doctor told me that your mouth continuously sheds skin. Much like the skin we have else where. When we wake up in the morning and have that nasty thick white gunky stuff around our mouths that is in fact the skin we shed. He also said people who snore and sleep with their mouths open will find they get alot more then most people. Its perfectly normal and im sure this is what you are referring to.

I cant help with the GERD, im not so sure what it is but hopefully i have put your mind at ease.

I can assure you that if you googled something you know you definately dont have you would still have symptoms. Everyone would.

x x x