View Full Version : Worried Sick About Dengue! OH NO

10-08-11, 15:38
Hi, everyone. If you've traced my posts here, I've been complaining about my stomach issues which lasted for almost two months. Right now as I type this, I feel better and better! The indigestion and excessive burping are almost gone! Thanks for the support that helped me get through.

Anyway, just when I thought I'd be free from my health anxiety, my dengue fear is coming back!

Just this morning I was doing my work (I work in the university) then I noticed that a mosquito was on my right arm (I don't know how it got inside the department's office!). I killed it and noticed that it had some white marks on its legs but I don't think it had any white spots on its body. My arm has a little almost-non itchy bump where the mosquito bit me. Right now, after more than 12 hours, the small bump is still there but isn't itchy. It was never itchy nor big in the first place (still worried).

I'm freaking out because I can't afford to have dengue. It would shatter my finances since I know that you need hospitalization when you have it. I've had mosquito bites before and freaked out about it in the past but dengue never came. By the way, the moment I got bitten by the mosquito this morning, I started recalling dengue symptoms and throughout the day I started feeling "sick"! ACK. Am I just being an HA wacko again?

I live in a tropical country. I heard that in order to be infected, the dengue that bit you must have also bitten a dengue infected person. I absolutely do not know anyone nearby has been infected by it. I certainly hope not!

Any words of advice? :shrug:

10-08-11, 22:11
anyone? :(

10-08-11, 22:18
Sorry but I don't even know what dengue is so can't help on this one.

10-08-11, 22:22
Do you mean Dengue Fever ? ..what country do you live in ? sue x

10-08-11, 22:22
Hi :)

sorry you are feeling so worried ..........tell truth I have no knowledge at all about Dengue fever [am off to look it up ] ......so cannot reassure in that sense .but your feelings I can relate to :hugs:.........they are getting huge in your mind with no real cause .
any insect bite will be raised and itchy as we know ......please dont worry about what seems to be a very rare disease [just googled while writing ] xxxx

10-08-11, 22:26

Do you have any of the symptoms ? Chances are its just a regular Mozzie bite .If you get anyof these signs go to your nearest Hospital .You will feel unwell and will know it if you have it ..Sue x