View Full Version : Lost my apetite again. :(

10-08-11, 17:54
Hiya ive lost my apetite again.. :(

I recently experienced a cold/flu symptoms and for some reason they went away almost straight away after 1-2 days. Which has confused me alot. I'm quite scared aswell because ive been getting really dizzy aswell, and alot of stomach pains. Im really scared i just want to be able to eat and be happy. Also when your on your period i get really bad sharp stabbing pains in my abdomen and its mostly on the left side although can be both sides sometimes. It really scares me because i get pain in my bum aswell when this happens and kind of need to go for a bowel movement but i don't end up going to the toilet. Im really scared.. also when i have the pains they come for about 1 minute and then go, ive never had period pains like that before though.


10-08-11, 18:23
alot of people get period pains like that when there on there heavy days it can be a mix of things but more ofetn than not its just a spasm as things get quiet tender inside when you having your period i wouldny worry about that. have you mentioned them to your gp? are yu taking pain killers during your period if not do as that will help try femax or something like that they help with cramps and spasm?

the dizzyness wiill be anixety and if your not eating and drinking properly at least every 2-3 hours that will make it happen to

10-08-11, 18:36
- Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.
- The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.
- A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work

Duke these are very wise quotes at the bottom of your posts..Are you not having any counselling for you health anxiety.??You are so young to be perpertually worrying about your health ...

10-08-11, 18:41
I know, i feel so down and depressed.
I am having councelling but i believe its not frequant enough to benefit me.
Thankyou for your replies x

10-08-11, 19:27
how often are you having it is it throught the nhs

i know ive said it on other threads but do you have a womens center or sure start center most of them offer free councilling and its weekly instead of every 2 weeks

10-08-11, 20:17
Yes its through the NHS and once every two weeks sometimes once every month aswell.

No ive never heard of one around us. Im so upset i can't deal with life anymore :'( ive been trying the hardest ive ever tryed and nothings helping. Do samaritans do it? like walk in? x

10-08-11, 20:23
Is there a Local MIND ORG in your area ? Failing that ask your Dr of any anxiety support groups .MIND do give councelling, and there is usually a drop in centre you could attend .Sue x

10-08-11, 20:24
duke i dont get this you have just left chat after being hysterical over something to do with your mum and then next minute you are posting in here about something else.

Are you on a wind up?

10-08-11, 20:32
if you pm me your area i can try and find out if there is one nr you or try googling? they will be some where around

10-08-11, 20:36
hello. i had a cold- lasted two days x

10-08-11, 20:38

10-08-11, 20:41
im not a wind up.

10-08-11, 20:43
im sick of people being rude to me, all im trying to do is get some support and help, i can't seem to get any from anyone. You are all amzing lovely people but you are getting me wrong.

Im not a wind up, i have SEVERE health anxdiety and im not recieving the proper help for it. If you want me to leave i will, but i dont know what ill do without this site.

Im sorry i cant say it anymore than i already have - sorry for something im unsure of what i have done exactly.

but thanks anyway

10-08-11, 20:44
plus i wrote this earlier, you don't get whats going on with me, doesnt matter now anyway, there are some nice people in here willing to help i appreciate it thankyou x

10-08-11, 20:45


read the replies on these two x

10-08-11, 20:52
i know it is anxiety!

but i am trying to deal with 100 things at one time, i just cant deal with this anymore. so many people are against me. i dont get what i am doing wrong. i am doing just as many posts as Em.ma and other people..?

im not looking for answers by all means, just someone who can be there for me and help me through this terrible time. i dont know what to do anymore.. im clueless, please tell me what i am meant to do to stop upsetting everyone on this. i dont want to get kicked off, this is my only escape from my sadness :(

10-08-11, 21:01
No one here can diagnose you Duke .All they can do is tell you what their experience and symptoms have been like .You need Proffessional help .But also need to try getting some additional help through a local support group or Health related organisation like MIND .While I do understand how distressing all this is for you ,and your need for constant reassurance .Its the worst thing to do for a h/A sufferer to keep posting and reading /talking about symptoms all the time .Please look in your area for specialist support as well as go to your Dr ,with a list of your latest symptoms .Ask for some CBT ..Posting like this all the time is making you worse .Im not being unkind saying this ,and no one wants you to leave .But you need to take the advice you have been given and act on it .Or you will always be like this .No one can do it for you .T/c LUV Sue x:hugs:

10-08-11, 21:06
Thankyou, i know what ive got to do now. I'm not asking for answers i promise. I just get into states of mind where i think there is so ending to this and i panic. But i will stop posting ( well try to ) and ill stop annoying and upsetting everyone as usual. But thankyou for your reply, i am getting CBT but am thinking about going to samaritans for some more support. Thankyou again and you take care to xx

10-08-11, 21:12
Samaritans will only listen im afraid .They do not really help unless you just want to get things off your chest .They cannot give advice ..Just thought Id tell you so you arent dissapointed ..All the best anyway .Sue xx:hugs:

10-08-11, 21:14
Oh okay, what would you recommend that would be better for me to go to? I can't afford to pay for anything though xx

10-08-11, 21:22
if you pm me your area i can try and find out if there is one nr you or try googling? they will be some where around
A member has offered to find somewhere in your area for you ...Just Pm them ..or look in your Yellow pages for Mental Health Orgs /Charities .and Support Groups ..Sue x

10-08-11, 21:28
Ah yes i am just private messeging them now.
Thankyou Sue xx