View Full Version : Paniking now.

10-08-11, 21:37
Ok so I feel quite a lot of panic rising I feel really hot my face has been burning for the last hour, Is this a normal panic symptom I know it is really but need a bit of reassurance my skin feels all tingly on my scalp as well and its all tight I feel a bit breathless, please reassure me this is normal, Sorry!!

10-08-11, 22:02
Please help anyone I feel like my face is on fire.

10-08-11, 22:09

Sounds textbook anxiety to me .....horrible and scary .
sip ice cold water and put a cold flannel on the back of your neck .........maybe stand outside and do your deep breathing exercises [if it isnt pouring down !]
are you allergic to anything perhaps ? :hugs:
I get this regularly however and find a cold drink and breathing deeply from abdomen outside helps hugely .

10-08-11, 22:31
Thank you o much for your reply, its like I know its all anxiety but yet in the midst all rational thought go out the window and I think the worst, thanks again I have sat outside in the garden for a while and had a glass of cold water I do feel a little better now.
Hannah x